
"self-interested" in Spanish

"self-interested" in Spanish
Referendums encourage short-term, self-interested views rather than long-term acceptance of responsibility.
En lugar de estimular la toma de responsabilidades a largo plazo, los plebiscitos estimulan los conceptos egoístas y a corto plazo.

Context examples for "self-interested" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Please, do not get too caught up in these less important, self-interested aspects, but rather see this great opportunity.
Espero que sepa aprovechar esta enorme oportunidad con magnanimidad, sin aferrarse a lo conseguido.
We must no longer allow citizens' lives to be endangered by irresponsible, self-interested or reprehensible behaviour.
No se puede seguir tolerando que se ponga en peligro la vida de los ciudadanos por culpa de comportamientos irresponsables, interesados o culpables.
Any objections run the risk of being seen as a sop to self-interested lobby groups which do not act in the collective interest.
Cualquier objeción corre el riesgo de considerarse una concesión a los grupos de presión interesados que no actúan en el interés colectivo.
We must no longer allow citizens ' lives to be endangered by irresponsible, self-interested or reprehensible behaviour.
No se puede seguir tolerando que se ponga en peligro la vida de los ciudadanos por culpa de comportamientos irresponsables, interesados o culpables.
self-interested love
amor interesado
At this stage the European Union should not be self-interested, trying to promote some role for itself, but balanced, positive and constructive.
En esta fase, la Unión Europea no debería pensar en sí misma, ni intentar defender un papel para sí misma, sino que debería ser equilibrada, positiva y constructiva.
As is all too often the case, it does not refer to the true sources of these conflicts: poverty and the underlying self-interested role of political and economic participants.
Como ocurre a menudo, no habla de las verdaderas causas de estos conflictos: la pobreza y el papel subyacente e interesado de actores económicos y políticos.
The Community has a legal, moral and self-interested obligation to assume its responsibility and to cooperate with third countries in efforts to change that pattern.
La Comunidad tiene el deber legal, moral y en su propio interés de asumir su responsabilidad y cooperar con terceros países en los esfuerzos por cambiar esta tendencia.