
"ripped off" in Spanish

"ripped off" in Spanish
ripped off{adjective}

Context examples for "ripped off" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The victims were put to death and parts of their bodies were cut off or ripped out.
Se acabó con la vida de las víctimas, y partes de sus cuerpos se amputaron o arrancaron.
Roofs have been ripped off, animals lost and feed stores destroyed.
Los tejados se han arrancado, los animales se han perdido y los almacenes de alimentos han quedado destruidos.
he ripped me off, he charged me a fortune
me embromó, me lo cobró carísimo
In addition, of course, as is simply the case with such adventures, whenever anyone helped the fugitive, they ripped off part of the treasure.
Además, obviamente, como pasa en este tipo de aventuras, cuando alguien ayudaba al fugitivo, se llevaba parte del tesoro.
they ripped me off
me dieron una vacilada
she ripped us off
nos dio el garrotazo
If I needed to learn, I have now experienced it in the damage to my home, in the tiles that were ripped off and in the trees that were uprooted.
Si todavía tenía que aprender algo, lo he hecho con los daños que ha sufrido mi vivienda, en las tejas y los árboles que arrancó la tormenta.
you were ripped off
te jodieron
It is important for customers who have been ripped off to be able to file a compensation claim, otherwise we are just hanging them out to dry.
Es importante que los clientes que hayan sido estafados puedan llevar a cabo solicitudes de indemnización, de lo contrario, les estaremos dejando tirados.