
"qué me dice" in English

"qué me dice" in English

Similar translations for "qué me dice" in English
eh- eh- huh
us- me
Context examples for "qué me dice" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¿Qué me dice de los planes de subcontratación que se están estableciendo?
And what about the outsourcing arrangements which are being established?
Por lo que me dice mi camarada de partido, la Sra. Hautala, existe el mismo problema con el texto finlandés.
From what I have heard from my colleague in the party, the same is true for Finnish.
Eso está muy bien, ¿pero qué me dice de la indicación obligatoria de los piensos empleados?
All right, but what of the duty to label feedingstuffs?
¿Qué me dice de un reglamento sobre nuevos piensos, un reglamento sobre los piensos genéticamente modificados?
What of an Order on novel feedingstuffs, an Order relating to genetically-manufactured feedingstuffs?
siempre que me dice algo, tira a matar
whenever he says anything to me, he goes all out to hurt me
¿Qué me dice de lo de la Guardia Civil?
What do you say about the issue of the Guardia Civil?
A mi lado está mi colega, el señor Őry, que me dice que en su país el gobierno socialista está luchando contra las prestaciones sociales.
Next to me is my colleague Mr Őry, who tells me that in his country the socialist government is fighting against social benefits.
Medina que me dice que en España hay una ley según la cual uno no puede ir a la cárcel si tiene más de 80 años de edad.
I have just spoken to Mr Medina who tells me there is a law in Spain which says that you cannot go to prison if you are over 80 years of age.
De la respuesta del Comisario deduzco que está a favor de regular el comercio de armas. )Qué me dice del tráfico por la venta de armas que aún sigue?
I take it from the Commissioner' s answer that he is in favour of regulating the arms trade. What is his response to the brokering of arms which is still going on?
Contrariamente a lo que me dice usted en la carta que me escribe, este acuerdo marco se someterá al Pleno en julio y no en el actual período parcial de sesiones.
Contrary to what you tell me in your letter, this framework agreement will be tabled before the plenary part-session in July, not in the course of the present part-session.
Acabo de recibir una carta del Secretario General del Parlamento Europeo que me dice que se trata de un error y que nunca hubiera imaginado que este repertorio tuviera informaciones tan tendenciosas.
I have just received a letter from Parliament's Secretary-General who says that there has been a mistake and that he never imagined that this directory would contain such partisan information.
Acabo de recibir una carta del Secretario General del Parlamento Europeo que me dice que se trata de un error y que nunca hubiera imaginado que este repertorio tuviera informaciones tan tendenciosas.
I have just received a letter from Parliament' s Secretary-General who says that there has been a mistake and that he never imagined that this directory would contain such partisan information.