
"property owner" in Spanish

"property owner" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "property owner":
Context examples for "property owner" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The content on the site is protected by copyright law and international conventions and is the property of its owner.
El contenido de esta Web está protegido por la ley de derechos de autor y los acuerdos internacionales y pertenece a su propietario.
Product prices were higher and the intellectual property owner, namely the motor manufacturer, exercised a monopoly.
Los precios de los productos han sido más altos y el titular de los derechos de propiedad intelectual, concretamente el fabricante de automóviles, ha ejercido un monopolio.
As we have already said in connection with the need to avoid unilateral regulations, the question of the property owner's interests still needs to be resolved.
Tal como hemos dicho antes, en el intento de evitar la regulación unilateral, se deben tener en cuenta los intereses de los propietarios del inmueble.
The nominated Agricultural Commissioner is a landed property owner, and the candidate for competition issues has very strong links with large-scale industry.
La persona que ha de proteger los derechos de las mujeres, los homosexuales y los refugiados se opone a la igualdad, es homófoba y quiere limitar el derecho de asilo.
The nominated Agricultural Commissioner is a landed property owner, and the candidate for competition issues has very strong links with large-scale industry.
El candidato a Comisario de Agricultura es propietario de tierras, y la candidata para cuestiones de competencia mantiene estrechos vínculos con la industria a gran escala.