
"presumido" in English

Por eso creo que este informe no es algo de lo que el Parlamento Europeo pueda presumir en el futuro.
I think, therefore, that this report is not something which the European Parliament should specially boast about in the future.
Me quedé muy desilusionado con los suecos que, por lo demás, presumen de transparencia.
I was very disappointed in the Swedes, who normally boast about their openness.
La lentitud de los pagos ha dejado de ser admisible en una época en la que podemos presumir de tecnología del nanosegundo.
The slowness of payments is no longer tolerable in an age when we can boast of nanosecond technology.
Por desgracia, la Unión Europea difícilmente puede presumir de ser transparente.
Unfortunately, the European Union can hardly brag about its transparency.
De esto presumimos con todo orgullo.
We gladly brag about that with undisguised pride.

Context examples for "presumido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
John Hume siempre ha sido un hombre recto, aunque él nunca haya presumido de ello.
John Hume was always a righteous man but not necessarily a self-righteous one.
¿De verdad son estos objetivos vinculantes la gran solución de la que siempre han presumido aquí?
Are these binding targets really the great cure that they are always hailed to be here?