
"patched" in Spanish

to patch[patched · patched] {transitive verb}
It also has to be said that Altener II will also remain a patch-up if the political will is not there and that it is not there is indisputable.
Queda por afirmar que ALTENER II seguirá siendo un remiendo mientras falte voluntad política, y es indiscutible que ésta falta.
As we see no trace of such a possibility, we have voted against this report, which is only proposing inconsistent patching up of the Pact.
Al no haber ni rastro de una perspectiva semejante, hemos votado contra este informe, que tan solo propone un remiendo incoherente del Pacto.
In a sense we are using this MRL review as a bit of a 'patch and mend' for a major problem that is under the radar but which we are all very aware of.
En cierto modo estamos utilizando esta revisión de los LMR un poco como "remiendo" de un problema importante que pasa desapercibido pero del que todos somos muy conscientes.
The Treaty of Nice is just a patch-up.
El Tratado de Niza es tan solo un parche.
However, prophylactic epidural blood patch did not result in less PDPH than a sham procedure (one study).
Sin embargo, el parche hemático epidural profiláctico no dio lugar a menos CPPL que un procedimiento simulado (un estudio).
This succession of patch-up jobs belies an impulsive move made without any serious impact study.
Estos parches sucesivos revelan un modo proceder precipitado, sin ningún estudio de impacto serio.
corro{m} (mancha)
mancha{f} (en el pelaje, las plumas)
a damp patch on the ceiling
una mancha de humedad en el techo
patch of ice
mancha de hielo
mancha{f} (de vegetación)
a damp patch on the ceiling
una mancha de humedad en el techo
patch of ice
mancha de hielo
patch(also: darn)
soleta{f} (zurcido)
patch(also: mend)
We live in such a delicate period that the patch of unshrunk cloth is not enough.
Vivimos en un momento tan delicado que ya no bastan los remiendos.
It is good in patches.
Es buena como remiendo.
Patches of unshrunk cloths serve only to quiet the conscience and would be a waste of new wine.
En este último caso, aun con remiendos nuevos que puedan servir para tranquilizar la conciencia, es echar a perder el vino nuevo.
patch{m} [IT]
Plus, he adds with a laugh, “With VENUE, you don’t have to be a German engineer to solve the audio patch!”
Además, agrega riendo, “con VENUE, ¡no hace falta ser un ingeniero alemán para entender el patch de audio!”.
huarache{m} [autom.] [Mex.]
guarache{m} [autom.] [Mex.]
patch(also: tab)
insignia{f} [mil.]

Synonyms (English) for "patched":
Context examples for "patched" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Would it not be better to devote our time and money to that, rather than to patching up something which cannot be patched up?
¿No sería mejor dedicar a ello todas nuestras fuerzas y nuestros recursos, en lugar arreglar algo que no tiene remedio?
it was patched together out of various scraps
estaba hecho de retazos
it was patched together out of various scraps
estaba hecho de retales
I've patched it up
le he hecho un apaño
The Lisbon decisions do not constitute a coherent strategy but form two different strategies which have barely been patched together into one and the same decision guidance document.
Las decisiones de Lisboa no constituyen una estrategia coordinada, sino que hay diferentes estrategias que han sido precariamente reunidas en un mismo documento.
It is absolutely essential that the Council’ s conclusion on this matter should not be seen as a patched-up decision but rather as a giant step forward towards our vision of Europe.
Nos corresponde a nosotros en esta Cámara enviar un mensaje claro al« Club del 1 %» diciéndole que no aceptaremos nada por debajo de esta solución de compromiso.
And those who came to receive life gave to the poor everything which they were capable of possessing and they were content with one tunic, patched inside and out, with a cord and short trousers.
Y aquellos que venían a tomar esta vida, daban a los pobres todo lo que podían tener; y estaban contentos con una túnica, forrada por dentro y por fuera, el cordón y los paños menores.