
"pariente" in English

"pariente" in English
relation{noun} (relative)
Sabemos que la cultura es siempre el pariente pobre en términos presupuestarios.
We know that culture is always the poor relation in budgetary terms.
No quieren una Europa que sea el pariente pobre de los Estados Unidos.
They do not want Europe to be a poor relation of the United States.
No es ninguna coincidencia que Moldova sea el pariente pobre de la familia europea.
It is no coincidence that Moldova is the poor relation in the European family.
Hay pocas familias escocesas que no tengan un pariente, aunque sea lejano, que vive en Canadá.
There are very few Scottish families that do not have a relative, however distant, living in Canada.
anda rolando de un pariente a otro
she has been shunted from one relative to another
Puede muy bien ser nuestro vecino, compañero de trabajo o pariente quien perpetre estos actos de violencia.
It is just as likely to be our own neighbour, workmate or relative who perpetrates such acts of violence.
a un pariente huérfano,
An orphan who is a kin,
Todos los hombres son mis familiares y parientes".
Every citizen is my own kith and kin'.
pariente más cercano
next of kin

Synonyms (Spanish) for "pariente":
Context examples for "pariente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ambos informes sobre la política económica confirman que el medio ambiente sólo es un pariente pobre.
Both reports on economic policy confirm the impression that environment policy is only a stepchild.
Así pues María, movida por la caridad, se dirige a la casa de su pariente.
However, Elizabeth's words "And blessed is she who believed" do not apply only to that particular moment of the Annunciation.
el modelo estándar es el pariente pobre del cupé
the standard model is a poor relation of the coupé
Eso probablemente no va a evitar que Europa Central siga siendo el pariente pobre de Occidente durante mucho tiempo.
That is not likely to prevent Central Europe from being the poor cousin of the West for a long time to come.
es más, parece ser que era pariente suyo
it appears, moreover, that he was related to her
No obstante, es conviene que se aplique el principio de subsidiariedad en relación con la definición de pariente.
In applying the definition of family members, it is important however that the principle of subsidiarity should prevail.
anda rolando de un pariente a otro
she has been shunted from one relative to another
es pariente mío por línea paterna
he's a relative of mine on my father's side
Las solicitudes de los refugiados que tengan un pariente en un país miembro deberían tramitarse en ese país.
It must be possible for asylum seekers who have family members in a particular Member State to have their applications examined in that country.
es el único pariente que me queda
he is the only relative I have left
es el único pariente que me queda
he is my only living relative
pariente con tutela legal
kinship legal guardian
un pariente cercano
a close relative
pariente más cercano
next of kin