
"no rentable" in English

"no rentable" in English
no rentable{adjective}
unprofitable{adj.} (business)
conceder ayuda comunitaria para el mantenimiento de una red de transporte regional no rentable,
obtaining a EU subsidy to support the unprofitable regional traffic network,
Sin embargo, el aumento del desmantelamiento no rentable en la UE mediante ayudas no es una opción sostenible.
An increase in unprofitable dismantling in the EU with the help of aid is not, however, a sustainable option.
No podemos embarcarnos en un programa de producción no rentable, y por eso el Sr.
We cannot embark on a programme of unprofitable production, and with that in mind Mr Garot has submitted the proposal that we should carry out research and move forward on the basis of that.

Similar translations for "no rentable" in English
Context examples for "no rentable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Entran en el mercado europeo a un precio que no es rentable para los productores europeos.
They enter the European market at a price that is uneconomic for European producers.
Pero el empleo de estas redes no es rentable económicamente y, por tanto, indefendible.
But the use of these drift nets is economically unviable and therefore no longer acceptable.
No es rentable y por esa razón no se investiga lo suficiente.
It would be unseemly to rake in enormous profits on the back of sick children.
Un medicamento existe porque cura, independientemente del hecho de que sea rentable o no.
A medicine exists because it provides treatment, irrespective of whether it is profitable or not.
La obligación de ofrecer el mismo precio a todo el mundo haría que la internalización no fuera rentable.
The obligation to give the same price to everyone will make internalisation uneconomic.
No es rentable y por esa razón no se investiga lo suficiente.
It is not profitable and for that reason not enough is done.
Señor Presidente, un golpe de estado no debe ser rentable jamás.
Mr President, a coup must never be worth carrying out.
Debemos construir redes incluso en áreas donde no sería rentable meramente en términos de mercado.
We must build networks even in areas where this would not be profitable purely on the basis of the market.
no me es rentable viajar hasta allí para vender tan poco
there's no profit in me going all that way to sell so little
Imponer normas de 15 mg/m³ implicaría un coste medioambiental excesivo y no resultaría rentable.
To impose limit values of 15 mg/m3 would involve an excessive environmental cost and would not be profitable.
Imponer normas de 15 mg/ m³ implicaría un coste medioambiental excesivo y no resultaría rentable.
To impose limit values of 15 mg/ m3 would involve an excessive environmental cost and would not be profitable.
Hay una antigua sentencia que dice "el delito no debe ser rentable" .
We have the old saw, 'Crime must not pay' .
Los pacientes son pobres y no resulta rentable investigar para ellos; por eso no contamos con nuevos medicamentos.
The patients are poor, and it is not profitable to do research on their behalf, so we do not get any new medicines.
Por lo visto, invertir en enfermedades tropicales no es lo suficientemente rentable para las empresas farmacéuticas.
It would appear that investment in treatment of tropical diseases is not profitable enough for pharmaceutical companies.
En estas condiciones, la patente comunitaria no sería rentable y los profesionales podrían no utilizarla.
In these conditions, the Community patent would not be profitable and there is a risk that those within the profession would not use it.
Quienes se ocupan de recoger el papel desechado sostienen que los precios son demasiado bajos y que no es una actividad rentable.
Those engaged in collecting scrap paper maintain that the prices are too low and that it does not pay to handle it.
El registro de navíos en países distintos del propio o emplear a gente en condiciones desfavorables no debería ser rentable.
It should not be profitable to register ships in countries other than their own or to employ people under bad conditions.
Concurren diversas causas que hacen que este sector no cubra costes y que, hoy por hoy, no sea rentable salir a pescar.
There are various reasons why costs are not being covered in the sector and why it is currently not profitable to go out fishing.
El informe se basa también en la idea de que la industria farmacéutica no considera rentable desarrollar medicamentos pediátricos especiales.
This report contravenes a very important principle of EU cooperation, namely the country of origin principle.
este servicio no es rentable
this service does not operate at a profit