
"no pertinente" in English

"no pertinente" in English
no pertinente{adjective masculine/feminine}
no pertinente{adjective masculine/feminine}
irrelevant{adj.} [law]
Queridos colegas, considero no pertinente la cuestión planteada por el Sr.
Dear colleagues, the question raised by Mr Fabre-Aubrespy is irrelevant in my view.
no pertinente{adjective}
immaterial{adj.} [law] (evidence, issue)

Similar translations for "no pertinente" in English
Context examples for "no pertinente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lamentablemente, en este Parlamento no existe aún la pertinente mayoría para ello.
This Parliament does not yet, unfortunately, have the majority required for this.
Me parece que la crítica hecha a la Presidencia anterior no es pertinente.
I feel that the criticism made of the previous presidency is not appropriate.
Señora Presidenta, este debate no puede ser más pertinente y de actualidad.
Madam President, this debate could not have been more topical or relevant.
Por consiguiente, la Presidencia no considera pertinente comentar dichas declaraciones.
The presidency therefore sees no occasion to comment on these statements.
No es pertinente que la UE se convierta en banco de los créditos hipotecarios de su personal.
It is not appropriate that the EU should act as a mortgage bank for its staff.
La cuestión de si los OMG son buenos o malos no resulta pertinente en el debate de hoy.
The question of whether GMOs are a good or a bad thing does not belong in today's debate.
¿Por qué, entonces, ha basado la Comisión esta directiva en un artículo no pertinente del Tratado?
Why then has the Commission based the directive on the wrong part of the Treaty?
La clasificación en izquierdas o derechas, conservador o moderno no es pertinente en este asunto.
A division into left or right, conservative or modern, is not relevant here.
Contamos con la legislación pertinente, pero no se aplica correctamente en los Estados miembros.
We have the legislation in place, but it is not enforced properly in the Member States.
No creo que sea pertinente seguir comprobando su efecto.
I do not think that we need any further proof of the consequences of using them.
El argumento de que esto pondría en peligro la libertad de comercio no es pertinente, desde nuestro punto de vista.
The argument that this would jeopardise freedom of trade is not relevant, in our view.
La pregunta sobre la British Nuclear Fuels Limited no es pertinente, no es complementaria, por lo tanto decae.
The question on British Nuclear Fuels Limited is not relevant and not supplementary and therefore lapses.
Como Presidente de la Sesión, declaro que la pregunta no es pertinente porque no es complementaria.
As President for the sitting, I declare that the question is not relevant, since it is not a supplementary question.
La enmienda nº 7 no es pertinente para esta propuesta.
Amendment No 7 is not relevant to this proposal.
Entonces pidió una nota que le entregamos y tuvo la amabilidad de considerarla interesante, pero no pertinente.
He asked then for a note which we gave him and he was kind enough to judge it as interesting but not relevant.
Esta invitación no nos parece pertinente.
We do not believe this invitation to be appropriate.
No sería pertinente que dijera nada al respecto.
Anything I said would be subjective.
Hautala no me parece pertinente, porque, en este momento, al parecer, hay una serie de colegas que están viniendo hacia aquí en autobús.
We do not know when they will arrive and when they arrive they will probably be absolutely exhausted.
Adoptamos una directiva sobre este tema en2004, con lo cual no me parece pertinente exigir ahora otra revisión.
We adopted a directive regarding unisex tariffs in2004; I do not consider it appropriate to now demand a further revision of this.
Tannock, que pide una cuestión de orden, ha hecho una pregunta que no era pertinente, porque no era complementaria.
Mr Tannock, who is requesting a point of order, asked a question that was not relevant, because it was not supplementary.