
"magistralmente" in English

"magistralmente" in English
magistral{adjective masculine/feminine}
magistral{adjective masculine/feminine}
Whitehead ha hecho un gran trabajo, y hoy lo ha expuesto aquí de una forma magistral.
He has done extremely good work, and has given a masterly presentation of it here today.
Carrère d´Encausse es rico y apasionante, añadiré incluso: ¡magistral!
Mr President, Mrs Carrère d'Encausse's report is very rich in ideas, very passionate and, may I say, even masterly!
Señor Presidente, deseo ante todo subrayar la notable lección magistral que nos ha dado, una vez, más la Sra.
Mr President, I would first like to emphasize the high quality of the masterly report once more presented to us by Mrs Carrère d'Encausse.
masterful{adj.} (masterly)
describe con trazo magistral la historia de la ciudad
he describes with a masterful touch the history of the city
Me gustaría felicitar al ponente por su informe y también por su silencio magistral a modo de contribución.
I should like to congratulate the rapporteur on his report and also on his masterful silence, by way of contribution.
Desarrolla una base sólida en Pro Tools, y aprende a grabar, mezclar y producir magnífica música con ayuda de los prestigiosos profesores de Berklee y sus magistrales técnicas de producción.
Develop a firm Pro Tools foundation, and learn how to record, mix, and produce great music with the help of Berklee's renowned faculty and their masterful production techniques.
professorial{adj.} (figure)

Context examples for "magistralmente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
se desenvolvía magistralmente en situaciones delicadas
he was masterly in dealing with delicate situations
Queda, en efecto, la penosa cuestión del conflicto de intereses en la cartera más importante –la Competencia–, magistralmente llevada hasta ahora por Mario Monti.
There remains, in fact, the serious question of conflict of interest in the most important portfolio – Competition – previously held masterfully by Mario Monti.
Evidentemente, en un minuto no tengo tiempo de explayarme sobre el contenido del compromiso que tan magistralmente ha logrado el ponente.
In the few seconds available to me, I naturally cannot examine the excellent compromise worked out by the rapporteur in any detail, but I should like to congratulate him on it.
Queda, en efecto, la penosa cuestión del conflicto de intereses en la cartera más importante – la Competencia–, magistralmente llevada hasta ahora por Mario Monti.
We are particularly concerned and are seeking guarantees about the functioning of competition policy and the safeguarding of efficient controls in cases of conflict of interests.
Le felicito, pues me parece que ahora representa magistralmente el papel de la antigua clase dirigente con una gran capacidad técnica para decir –con perdón– una sarta de sandeces.
I congratulate you because I believe that you are now a pass-master at playing the old ruling class with such a great technical ability, if I may say so, to talk utter rubbish.