
"labores agrícolas" in English

"labores agrícolas" in English
labores agrícolas{masculine plural}

Similar translations for "labores agrícolas" in English
Context examples for "labores agrícolas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ello permitirá a los agricultores dedicar más tiempo a sus labores agrícolas principales.
This will enable the farmers to spend more time on their core agricultural activities.
Cientos de miles han abandonado ya las labores agrícolas para engrosar las filas del paro.
Hundreds of thousands have already abandoned farming and joined the ranks of the unemployed.
De hecho, pone en peligro a la agricultura y a un amplio sector de la población que participa en labores agrícolas.
This actually puts agriculture and a large section of the population which is involved in agricultural work at risk.
Excelente, porque busca apoyar en el futuro a aquellos que realizan labores agrícolas de manera activa, es decir, a los que cultivan la tierra.
Excellent because it seeks to give support in future to those who are actively farming, in other words, those who are, in fact, cultivating the land.