
"insurgent" in Spanish

During this time, several insurgent groups have participated in the conflict.
En este tiempo son varios los grupos insurgentes que han sido partícipes en este conflicto.
Insurgents are now in control of much of the country, particularly its western parts.
Los insurgentes controlan ahora gran parte del país, particularmente las zonas occidentales.
I refuse to treat these Heads of Government as if they were the insurgent rebels of Europe.
Me niego a tratar a los Jefes de Gobierno como si fuesen los rebeldes insurgentes de Europa.
We are all familiar with the part played by Nagy Imre, the reforming communist Prime Minister who paid with his life for his commitment to the side of the insurgents.
Todos conocemos el lugar que ocupó en él Nagy Imre, el Primer Ministro comunista reformador que pagó con su vida su compromiso con los insurrectos.
amotinado{m} (militar)
amotinado{adj.} (soldado, ejército)
amotinado{adj.} (pueblo, ciudadanos)
insurgente{adj.} [form.]
During this time, several insurgent groups have participated in the conflict.
En este tiempo son varios los grupos insurgentes que han sido partícipes en este conflicto.
I refuse to treat these Heads of Government as if they were the insurgent rebels of Europe.
Me niego a tratar a los Jefes de Gobierno como si fuesen los rebeldes insurgentes de Europa.
The so-called insurgents are obviously armed, and powerfully so, by one or more foreign powers.
Los llamados insurgentes han sido armados, poderosamente armados, a todas luces, por una o más potencias extranjeras.
rebeldes{m/f pl}
Who were these 23 prisoners bounced out of prison by armed insurgents?
¿Quiénes eran esos 23 prisioneros liberados de la cárcel por rebeldes armados?
Moreover, we must say to the extremist Albanian insurgents that we are not, therefore, there to support the ideas of Albanian extremism.
Y debemos decirles a los rebeldes extremistas albaneses que no estamos allí para apoyar las ideas extremistas albanesas.
In the civil war in the south between the fundamentalist Islamic government and the insurgents the civilian population too is being showered with fragmentation bombs.
En la guerra civil del sur, entre el gobierno fundamentalista islámico y los rebeldes, las tropas gubernamentales atacan también a la población civil con bombas de fragmentación.

Context examples for "insurgent" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The insurgent forces still have a chance of going down in Colombia's history as a factor in creating peace.
La insurgencia tiene todavía la oportunidad de pasar a la historia de Colombia como un factor de paz.
Lessons still have not been learnt from the mass murder, eighty years ago, of the insurgent Armenians.
Aún no se han aprendido las lecciones correctas de la masacre de los armenios tras su levantamiento hace ochenta años.
In the north-east, which is a rural area with a Laotian culture, there would be almost insurgent opposition against the central area, Bangkok and the south, which are all Democratic strongholds.
En el noreste, que es una zona rural de cultura laosiana, casi se produciría una insurgencia en oposición a la zona del centro, Bangkok y el sur, que son bastiones democráticos.