
"important figure" in Spanish

"important figure" in Spanish
personaje{m} (persona importante)

Context examples for "important figure" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I want to give you an important figure which relates to the Genk issue.
Quiero darles una importante cifra que guarda relación con el asunto Genk.
We are told: yes, Mr or Mrs CFSP is an important figure.
Se dice: sí, el Sr. o la Sra. PESC es una personalidad relevante.
We have an important figure, a Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, whose speeches are very interesting.
Tenemos una figura, un coordinador de política antiterrorista, cuyos discursos son discursos interesantes.
I think it is very important that a figure as staggering as this needs to be addressed in a more coherent way.
Creo que es muy importante que unas cifras tan asombrosas como estas se manejen de una manera más coherente.
We think that it is an important figure on the international stage, and particularly for peace in the Middle East.
Creemos que es una figura importante en la escena internacional, y particularmente para la paz en Oriente Próximo.
an important figure in French theater
una figura importante del teatro francés
an important figure in French theatre
una figura importante del teatro francés
an important Spanish literary figure
una figura de las letras españolas
an important political figure
un personaje de la política
The Education Council’ s agreement that the financial envelope should be set at EUR 230 million is important, since that figure seems fairly satisfactory.
Estas relaciones, además, deben existir no solo para el estudiante sino también para los profesores invitados no europeos.
Madam President, firstly, it is important to mention a figure: administrative expenditure for all European institutions is around 6%.
Señora Presidenta, en primer lugar, es importante mencionar una cifra: el gasto administrativo de todas las instituciones europeas ronda el 6 %.
It is, in my view, an outmoded notion that such an important, politically recognisable figure should be appointed behind closed doors by government representatives.
Me parece obsoleto que una persona tan importante y de tan gran calado político sea nombrada entre bastidores por los representantes del Gobierno.
Mr President, we all agree with our colleague Mr Mohammed Alí in that Averroës is an important figure, just as the Arabian Montesquieu, Ibn Khaldun, was an important figure.
Señor Presidente, estamos todos de acuerdo con nuestro colega Mohamed Alí: Averroes es un gigante, al igual que Ibn Khaldun, el Montesquieu árabe.
The Education Council’s agreement that the financial envelope should be set at EUR230million is important, since that figure seems fairly satisfactory.
El acuerdo del Consejo de Educación, Juventud y Cultura sobre que la dotación financiera se fije en 230 millones de euros es importante, ya que esta cifra parece bastante satisfactoria.
The figure of EUR 30 billion proposed by us between now and 2020 can be viewed as an important figure, although it is a minimum, for supporting the initiatives of developing countries.
La cifra de 30 000 millones de euros que proponemos de aquí a 2020 puede considerarse una cifra importante, aunque mínima, para ayudar a las iniciativa de los países en desarrollo.
His family have stated that they know Piotr is not an important figure in the world of top level politics, but they trust everything that can be done will be done to secure his release.
Su familia ha afirmado que saben que Piotr no es una figura importante en la política de alto nivel, pero que confían en que se hará todo lo posible para garantizar su liberación.
(SK) Mr President, I would like to begin by expressing my sympathy with the citizens of Pakistan and my sorrow over the loss of such an important political figure as Salmaan Taseer.
(SK) Señor Presidente, desearía comenzar expresando mi compasión para con los ciudadanos de Pakistán y mi dolor por la pérdida de una figura política tan importante como Salmaan Taseer.