
"husband and wife" in Spanish

"husband and wife" in Spanish
esposos{m pl}
husband and wife is overlaid, through contraception, by an objectively
total de los esposos, la anticoncepción impone un lenguaje objetivamente
Precisely because the love of husband and wife is a unique participation in
Dado que el amor de los esposos es una participación singular en el
The family, which is founded and given life by love, is a community of persons: of husband and wife, of parents and children, of relatives.
La familia, fundada y vivificada por el amor, es una comunidad de personas: del hombre y de la mujer esposos, de los padres y de los hijos, de los parientes.

Similar translations for "husband and wife" in Spanish
y- e
Context examples for "husband and wife" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
conjugal act, husband and wife are called to confirm in a responsible way the
del acto conyugal, el hombre y la mujer están llamados a ratificar de
where from the love of husband and wife children are born and learn how to live;
de la comunión familiar, el hogar doméstico donde del amor entre
Precisely because the love of husband and wife is a unique participation in
Dado que el amor de los esposos es una participación singular en el
husband and wife is overlaid, through contraception, by an objectively
total de los esposos, la anticoncepción impone un lenguaje objetivamente
Is it true that responsible parenthood distances husband and wife from one
¿Es verdad que el ejercicio de la paternidad responsable distancia a
Everything becomes particularly problematic when the husband and wife come from different countries.
Todo se vuelve particularmente problemático cuando los cónyuges vienen de diferente país.
The first communion is the one which is established and which develops between husband and wife.
La comunión primera es la que se instaura y se desarrolla entre los cónyuges en virtud del pacto de amor conyugal.
one's husband or wife and to the children.
sincera al esposo o esposa y a los hijos.
between husband and wife.
en virtud del pacto de amor conyugal.
If a husband and wife go out to work and someone is engaged to do the housekeeping, that is a job, not a private pleasure.
Si el marido y la mujer trabajan fuera del hogar y uno de ellos se encarga de las labores del hogar, eso es un trabajo y no un placer privado.
they are husband and wife
son marido y mujer
they are husband and wife
están casados
The family, which is founded and given life by love, is a community of persons: of husband and wife, of parents and children, of relatives.
La familia, fundada y vivificada por el amor, es una comunidad de personas: del hombre y de la mujer esposos, de los padres y de los hijos, de los parientes.
One key to better reconciliation of family and work lies of course in the partnership between husband and wife, both as regards the bringing up of children and housework as a whole.
Aunque sepamos que no es algo que podamos aplicar como política, debemos volver sobre este tema como objeto de debate.
If your husband or wife works across the border and you are counting on the possibility of a survivor's pension, check whether they exist in that country.
Si tu marido o mujer trabaja al otro lado de la frontera y contáis con la posibilidad de una pensión de viudedad, comprobad si existe en ese país.
If you move to another EU country for work, your husband or wife can come and live with you there if they are also a citizen of an EU country.
Si te vas a vivir a otro país de la UE por motivos de trabajo, tu esposo o esposa tiene derecho a ir contigo si también tiene la nacionalidad de un país de la UE.
"In the conjugal act, husband and wife are called to confirm in a responsible way the mutual gift of self which they have made to each other in the marriage covenant.
"En el momento del acto conyugal, el hombre y la mujer están llamados a ratificar de manera responsable la recíproca entrega que han hecho de sí mismos con la alianza matrimonial.
Rather, it is a task entrusted to both husband and wife...Experience teaches that human love, which naturally tends towards fatherhood and motherhood, is sometimes affected by a profound crisis....
La experiencia enseña que el amor humano, orientado por su naturaleza hacia la paternidad y la maternidad, se ve afectado a veces por una crisis profunda.
One key to better reconciliation of family and work lies of course in the partnership between husband and wife, both as regards the bringing up of children and housework as a whole.
Una clave para mejorar la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral reside en la colaboración de marido y mujer, tanto en el cuidado de los hijos como del trabajo del hogar en su totalidad.