
"señora" in English

"señora" in English
señora(also: dama)
La señora diputada acaba de afirmar que estos niños carecen de perspectivas de vida.
The lady Member just said that these children had no prospects.
(ES) Señor Presidente, no he entendido muy bien la respuesta de la señora Ashton.
(ES) Mr President, I did not really understand Lady Ashton's answer.
Afortunadamente, parece que la señora Ashton ha elegido el camino adecuado.
Fortunately, Lady Ashton seems to be on the right track.
La ponente, la señora Bauer, ha señalado que la pobreza tiene rostro de mujer.
Rapporteur Mrs Bauer stated that poverty has a woman's face.
Señora Presidenta, usted es una mujer y le consulto como tal.
Madam President, you are a woman and I am speaking to you as such.
Pues, aparece una mujer -la señora Merkel-.
Well, there is a woman - Mrs Merkel.
madam{noun} (as title)
Señora Presidenta, señora Comisaria, gracias por este importante Reglamento.
Madam President, Commissioner, thank you for this important Regulation.
Señora Presidenta, señora Vicepresidenta de la Comisión, muchas gracias.
Madam President, Madam Vice-President of the Commission, many thanks.
. - (HU) Señora Comisaria, señora Presidenta, gracias por este debate.
. - (HU) Commissioner, Madam President, thank you for this debate.
mistress{noun} (of servant)
la señora de la casa
the mistress of the house
old girl{noun} (old woman)
ladyship{noun} (your/her)
love{noun} [Brit.] (to older woman)
(Exclamación) Señora Flemming, todos los amoríos son peligrosos, esto es lo bonito en este tema.
All love affairs are dangerous, Mrs Flemming, that is why they are so wonderful!
Señora Presidenta, a los grupos de interés les encanta Bruselas.
Madam President, lobbyists love Brussels.
El amor, señora Presidenta.
Love, Madam President!
muy bien señora, ahora mismo le traigo el informe
very good, ma'am, I'll have that report for you right away
madam{noun} (as form of address)
Señora Presidenta, señora Comisaria, gracias por este importante Reglamento.
Madam President, Commissioner, thank you for this important Regulation.
Señora Presidenta, señora Vicepresidenta de la Comisión, muchas gracias.
Madam President, Madam Vice-President of the Commission, many thanks.
. - (HU) Señora Comisaria, señora Presidenta, gracias por este debate.
. - (HU) Commissioner, Madam President, thank you for this debate.
mistress{noun} [arch.] (as title)
la señora de la casa
the mistress of the house
Señora Presidenta, desgraciadamente el caso de Hu Jia y su esposa no es un caso aislado.
Madam President, the case of Mr Hu Jia and his wife, unfortunately, is not an isolated one.
Su esposa, la señora Zhang Lianying, ha sido torturada muchas veces y encarcelada cuatro.
His wife, Ms Zhang Lianying, has been tortured many times and has been imprisoned four times.
. - (DE) Señora Presidenta, nuestro Grupo ha propuesto a Hu Jia y a su esposa, Zeng Jinyan, como candidatos al Premio Sájarov.
. - (DE) Madam President, our Group has nominated Hu Jia and his wife, Zeng Jinyan, for the Sakharov Prize.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "señora":
Context examples for "señora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Le aseguro, señora Sargentini, que hemos agotado el tiempo asignado de 45 minutos.
I assure you, Mrs Sargentini, we have gone over the allotted time of 45 minutes.
Quisiera felicitar a la señora Béguin por su informe excepcionalmente positivo.
I should like to congratulate Mrs Béguin on her exceptionally positive report.
(PT) Una vez más debo darle las gracias por estar en la Cámara, señora Comisaria.
(PT) I should once again like to thank you for being in the Chamber, Commissioner.
Tal vez pueda referirme a una enmienda concreta, la planteada por la señora McAvan.
Perhaps I could refer to just one specific amendment, that raised by Mrs McAvan.
La señora De Keyser ha dicho que, por ese motivo, su Grupo retiraba su firma.
Mrs De Keyser said that, for this reason, her group had withdrawn its signature.
Le prometo, señora Comisaria, que mi comisión trabajará con usted para lograrlo.
I pledge, Commissioner, that my committee will work with you to achieve that.
Acojo favorablemente el informe de la señora Gurmai sobre la iniciativa ciudadana.
I welcome the report by Mr Lamassoure and Mrs Gurmai on the citizens' initiative.
Retomando lo dicho por la señora Rothe "a las palabras deben seguir los hechos».
Following on from Mrs Rothe's comments, may there be action to accompany our words!
Aseguremos, señora Comisaria, que China nos necesite tanto como nosotros a ella.
Let us ensure, Commissioner, that China has as much need of us as we have of China.
Señora Comisaria, esto sólo depende de la Comisión y no de los Estados miembros.
Commissioner, the Commission alone is responsible for this, not the Members States.
Señora Ferrero-Waldner, le invito a que responda a la pregunta del Sr.
I give the floor to the President-in-Office to answer Mr Apolinário's question.
Aquí, señora Comisaria, es perfectamente adecuada la modificación de la directiva.
An amendment to the Directive would definitely be appropriate here, Commissioner.
Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, creo que no nos hemos comprendido bien aquí.
Mr President, Commissioner, I believe there has been a misunderstanding here.
La señora De Keyser ha expresado lo que pienso cuando pregunto de qué lado estamos.
Mrs De Keyser expressed exactly what I feel when she questioned where we stand.
. - (FR) ¿Qué fin persigue el informe de la señora del Castillo Vera?
in writing. - (FR) What purpose is served by Mrs del Castillo Vera's report?
Muy curiosamente, la señora Joly ha identificado que hay una fuga de capitales.
Mrs Joly has very interestingly identified that there is a flight of capital.
Acaba de decirnos, señora Vassiliou, que espera recibir el apoyo del Parlamento.
You have just told us, Mrs Vassiliou, that you hope to receive Parliament's support.
El amplio y excelente informe de la señora Fiona Hall también es una prueba de ello.
Ms. Fiona Hall's excellent and comprehensive report also bears evidence to that.
(SK) Señora Comisaria, también a mí me gustaría felicitarle por su designación.
(SK) Commissioner, I, too, would like to congratulate you on your nomination.
Concluyendo, la Comisión puede apoyar las enmiendas presentadas por la señora Hall.
In conclusion, the Commission can support the amendments put forward by Mrs Hall.