
"wife" in Spanish

"wife" in Spanish
wife of Hu Jia. - Dear friends, I am Hu Jia's wife, Zeng Jinyan.
esposa de Hu Jia. - Queridos amigos, soy la esposa de Hu Jia, Zeng Jinyan.
As the wife of a doctor, I am extremely concerned that such research should be allowed to develop.
Como esposa de médico, tengo mucho interés por el desarrollo de la investigación.
recognize that the motherhood of his wife is a gift" (Ibid., 16).27
"que el hombre sienta la maternidad de la mujer, su esposa, como entrega"
conjugal act, husband and wife are called to confirm in a responsible way the
del acto conyugal, el hombre y la mujer están llamados a ratificar de
He lives near the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia with his wife of 34 years.
Vive cerca del valle Shenandoah en Virginia con su mujer de 34 años.
For four months his wife and children have been waiting for him at home in Marseilles.
Desde hace cuatro meses su mujer y sus dos hijos le esperan en su casa en Marsella.
señora{noun} (esposa)
Madam President, the case of Mr Hu Jia and his wife, unfortunately, is not an isolated one.
Señora Presidenta, desgraciadamente el caso de Hu Jia y su esposa no es un caso aislado.
His wife, Ms Zhang Lianying, has been tortured many times and has been imprisoned four times.
Su esposa, la señora Zhang Lianying, ha sido torturada muchas veces y encarcelada cuatro.
. - (DE) Madam President, our Group has nominated Hu Jia and his wife, Zeng Jinyan, for the Sakharov Prize.
. - (DE) Señora Presidenta, nuestro Grupo ha propuesto a Hu Jia y a su esposa, Zeng Jinyan, como candidatos al Premio Sájarov.
one's husband or wife and to the children.
sincera al esposo o esposa y a los hijos.
husband and wife is overlaid, through contraception, by an objectively
total de los esposos, la anticoncepción impone un lenguaje objetivamente
wife of Hu Jia. - Dear friends, I am Hu Jia's wife, Zeng Jinyan.
esposa de Hu Jia. - Queridos amigos, soy la esposa de Hu Jia, Zeng Jinyan.

Synonyms (English) for "wife":
Context examples for "wife" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she babbled on, in blissful ignorance of the fact that she was talking to his wife
siguió parloteando tan tranquila, sin percatarse de que estaba hablando con su mujer
where from the love of husband and wife children are born and learn how to live;
de la comunión familiar, el hogar doméstico donde del amor entre
Is it true that responsible parenthood distances husband and wife from one
¿Es verdad que el ejercicio de la paternidad responsable distancia a
Everything becomes particularly problematic when the husband and wife come from different countries.
Todo se vuelve particularmente problemático cuando los cónyuges vienen de diferente país.
my wife is very good with her hands, she makes all our daughter's clothes
mi mujer es muy habilidosa, le hace toda la ropa a la niña
he's too fond of the good life and his wife has suffered terribly because of it
es un vividor que ha hecho sufrir mucho a su mujer
laconic way, in the biblical text, "The man had relations with his wife
una forma lacónica, es referido en el texto bíblico: Adán
He had been given custody over his children, but they were abducted by his ex-wife and taken to Kenya.
Aunque la custodia de los niños había sido atribuida al padre, la madre se los llevó a Kenia.
either the husband or the wife should submit the application
la solicitud debe ser presentada por uno de los cónyuges
Wife inheritance continues, and experiences of rape and domestic abuse are rife.
A todos nos perjudica el hecho de que tantos millones de ciudadanos del mundo no puedan gozar de los derechos humanos básicos.
he continuously alluded to his wife as his better half
constantemente se refería a su mujer como su media naranja
Except an old woman (Lot's wife) amongst those who lingered behind.
y luego destruimos por completo a los demás,
The first communion is the one which is established and which develops between husband and wife.
La comunión primera es la que se instaura y se desarrolla entre los cónyuges en virtud del pacto de amor conyugal.
there's not much to choose between him and his wife
entre él y su mujer no sé con cuál de los dos me quedo
his last days were darkened by the loss of his wife
la pérdida de su esposa ensombreció sus últimos días
He said, "My Lord, how can there be to me a boy when old age has reached me, and my wife is barren?
[Zacarías] exclamó: "¡Oh Sustentador mío!
his wife's been on at him to stop smoking
su mujer le ha estado dando la lata para que deje de fumar
in 1970 he married his second wife, Inés Díaz
en 1970 se casó en segundas nupcias con doña Inés Díaz
he's really let himself go since his wife died
se ha abandonado totalmente desde que murió su mujer
when is your wife coming back?
¡así que estás viudo! ¿cuándo vuelve tu mujer?