
"humiliated" in Spanish

"humiliated" in Spanish
humillado{adj. m}
It is Mr Camara himself who has humiliated his compatriots and Africans.
Es el propio señor Camara el que ha humillado a sus compatriotas y a los africanos.
I think of the places where man is insulted and humiliated, downtrodden and exploited.
Pienso en los lugares donde el ser humano es ofendido y humillado, maltratado y explotado.
Almost everywhere on the planet the Moslem world is feeling humiliated, harassed and besieged.
Casi en todo el planeta, el mundo musulmán se siente humillado, acosado, asediado.
basurear {v.t.} [coll.]
Humiliating this nation through sanctions will not bring any sort of viable or humane solution.
Humillar a esta nación con sanciones no traerá ninguna solución, ni viable ni humana.
Yesterday, Mr Camara accused France of humiliating Africans by breaking off relations with Guinea.
Ayer, el señor Camara acusó a Francia de humillar a los africanos por romper relaciones con Guinea.
They can either recognise the rights of Parliament and its projects or they can humiliate Parliament, in which case there will be no budget.
Pueden reconocer los derechos del Parlamento y sus proyectos o pueden humillar al Parlamento, en cuyo caso no habrá presupuesto.

Synonyms (English) for "humiliated":
Context examples for "humiliated" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
How long can we expect the Albanians to put up with being cruelly oppressed and humiliated?
¿Cuánto tiempo esperamos que los albanos acepten la represión y la humillación?
MONUC is even being humiliated, officials are being expelled by DRC-Goma.
La MONUC es ahora objeto de vejaciones y sus funcionarios son expulsados por el RCD-Goma.
I met people having a bad time, permanently humiliated and insecure but still determined to resist.
Pero sí una población, con determinación constante y que no va a tirar la toalla.
Mr President, everywhere in the world, people are persecuted, tortured or humiliated.
Señor Presidente, en todo el mundo hay personas que son objeto de persecuciones, torturas o humillaciones.
They need to be politically reassured and not humiliated.
Hay que tranquilizarlos políticamente y no humillarlos.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to refute that argument, since I believe that it has not been Europe that has been humiliated.
Señorías yo voy a refutar ese argumento, pues creo que la humillación no ha sido para Europa.
I had the satisfaction of seeing them humiliated
tuve la satisfacción de verlos humillados
The Commission in particular has been humiliated.
Particularmente, la Comisión.
and humiliated, downtrodden and exploited.
maltratado y explotado.
They are humiliated every day.
Son ciudadanos de segunda .
South Africa should be helped and not humiliated, especially now that the second democratic elections are about to take place, in May.
Sudáfrica debe ser ayudado y no mortificado, especialmente ahora que, en mayo, se celebrarán las segundas elecciones democráticas.
he humiliated her in public
la humilló en público
They are two humiliated and stifled people who are subjected to an intolerable violence.Both rebel with a dignity that makes them able to stand in this turmoil.
hôpital public pour enfants Pero uno y otro tienen una dignidad rebelde que les permite mantenerse en la tormenta.
No, the Soviet Führer, Stalin, is praised, his own and his gang's crimes denied or marginalised and the victims humiliated and mocked.
Al contrario: el führer soviético, Stalin, es alabado, y los delitos de éste o de sus secuaces, se niegan o se marginalizan, mientras que las víctimas son objeto de humillaciones y burlas.
Even though WADA updates its list of banned anabolic agents almost daily, the social problem is becoming more acute and it is the young people watching their models humiliated who are the victims.
Justo el otro día, uno de los mejores jugadores de baloncesto de los Estados Unidos falleció de infarto de miocardio debido al consumo excesivo de anabolizantes.