
"haphazardly" in Spanish

"haphazardly" in Spanish
virulé{adv.} [Chile] (desordenadamente)
a la{adv.} (desordenadamente)
Contacts were made haphazardly, as it were, between the European Union, especially the Commission, and its Permanent Representations in third countries.
Las relaciones se entablaban a la buena de Dios, como se suele decir, entre la Unión Europea y, en particular, la Comisión y sus representaciones permanentes en terceros países.
Is divine interest just occasional and selective, perhaps even haphazard?
¿Acaso el interés divino es selectivo y se muestra ocasionalmente, por pura casualidad?

Context examples for "haphazardly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Instead, however, everything is done haphazardly and people are just as divorced from the Treaty today as they were yesterday.
En cambio, se procede de forma dispersa, y los ciudadanos se sienten hoy tan distantes del Tratado como lo estaban ayer.
haphazardly arranged
sin orden ni concierto
This often happens haphazardly and arbitrarily, without knowledge of the special characteristics of the product and the geographical area.
Esto suele ocurrir de forma poco sistemática y arbitraria, sin conocimiento de las características especiales del producto y de la zona geográfica.
However, despite the commendable endeavours, this haste by the European Union to once again haphazardly incorporate new Member States is inexplicable.
No obstante, a pesar de sus loables esfuerzos, esta prisa de la Unión Europea por incorporar sistemáticamente nuevos Estados miembros una vez más resulta inexplicable.
Contacts were made haphazardly, as it were, between the European Union, especially the Commission, and its Permanent Representations in third countries.
Las relaciones se entablaban a la buena de Dios, como se suele decir, entre la Unión Europea y, en particular, la Comisión y sus representaciones permanentes en terceros países.