
"whimsically" in Spanish

An influential children’s writer and author of the Rollo Book Series, Abbott designed a whimsical landscape of ponds, narrow paths and drives, giving them playful names borrowed from his books.
Escritor infantil influyente y autor de la serie de libros Rollo, Abbott diseñó un paisaje caprichoso de estanques y senderos estrechos, dándoles los nombres juguetones de sus libros.
Artist Iosefatau Sua uses dramatic contrasts and strong contours to create a whimsical, deceptively simple take on the Chinese Zodiac in this free Windows7 theme.
El artista Iosefatau Sua usa fuertes contrastes y contornos sólidos para crear una enigmática y aparentemente simple versión del horóscopo chino en este tema gratuito de Windows7.
An influential children’s writer and author of the Rollo Book Series, Abbott designed a whimsical landscape of ponds, narrow paths and drives, giving them playful names borrowed from his books.
Escritor infantil influyente y autor de la serie de libros Rollo, Abbott diseñó un paisaje caprichoso de estanques y senderos estrechos, dándoles los nombres juguetones de sus libros.
What is important now is that they understand the test of truth that occurred there: the clash of whimsical abstraction with the reality faced by the people of Europe.
Ahora lo importante es que advierta la prueba de la verdad que allí hubo: el choque de la abstracción fantasiosa con la realidad efectiva de los pueblos.

Synonyms (English) for "whimsically":