
"desconsiderada" in English

desconsiderada{adjective feminine}
La primera es desconsiderada, corta de miras y da muy poco valor a la competitividad.
The first of these is inconsiderate, short-sighted and sets little store by competitiveness.
divulgada a veces de manera demasiado desconsiderada.
which is at times spread abroad in too thoughtless a manner.
Por consiguiente, los expolios de los yacimientos arquitectónicos han de ser combatidos de la misma manera que la destrucción desconsiderada de huellas de establecimientos sociales.
It is therefore just as important to tackle the plundering of architectural finds as it is to combat the thoughtless destruction of the remnants of social institutions.
La privatización desconsiderada, que es el factor principal del mercado interior único, afecta a los sectores más vitales y convierte todas las posesiones sociales en mercancías.
Thoughtless privatisation, which is the constituent element of the single internal market, affects the most vital sectors and converts all social possessions to merchandise.

Context examples for "desconsiderada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
suelos, a causa de la utilización desconsiderada de fertilizantes y de
particularly because of the ill-advised use of fertilisers and plant health
La primera es desconsiderada, corta de miras y da muy poco valor a la competitividad.
These companies and individuals will never wish to work or provide services again in the old Member States.
No se puede tener consideración con una política desconsiderada.
No consideration can be shown towards ruthless policies.
En tercer lugar, hay que eliminar las subvenciones que fomentan la utilización desconsiderada de los recursos naturales.
Thirdly, that subsidies which encourage wasteful use of natural resources are removed.
Pido disculpas si acaso a alguno de ustedes lo he tratado de manera injusta o desconsiderada.
If individual Members feel that I have on occasion treated them unjustly or discourteously, then I ask their forgiveness today.
No se puede no desear el triunfo al Presidente de la Comisión; de otro modo, ésta será desconsiderada, debilitada, y verá disminuir sus poderes.
We can only hope that the President of the Commission is successful. If he is not, he will emerge discredited and weakened, with his powers diminished.
La privatización desconsiderada, que es el factor principal del mercado interior único, afecta a los sectores más vitales y convierte todas las posesiones sociales en mercancías.
The enlargement of the markets goes hand in glove with the penetration of the private sector into public services and the selling off of the people ’ s wealth.
Espero que nadie salga de este debate pensando que abandonamos a su suerte de forma desconsiderada y descortés a estas fuentes de información o a las personas que prestan este servicio.
I hope no one will leave this debate with the idea that we are thoughtlessly and discourteously abandoning these critical information outlets, or the people who provide that service, to their fate.