
"defiled" in Spanish

"defiled" in Spanish
to defile[defiled · defiled] {transitive verb}
envilecer {vb} [poet.]
By describing the gas chambers as a 'detail of history', Jean-Marie Le Pen is defiling the memory of those who lost their lives, or their loved ones, during this period.
Al calificar las cámaras de gas de «detalle histórico», Jean-Marie Le Pen mancilla la memoria de los que durante ese período perdieron la vida o la de sus familiares.
By describing the gas chambers as a 'detail of history ', Jean-Marie Le Pen is defiling the memory of those who lost their lives, or their loved ones, during this period.
Al calificar las cámaras de gas de« detalle histórico», Jean-Marie Le Pen mancilla la memoria de los que durante ese período perdieron la vida o la de sus familiares.

Synonyms (English) for "defile":
Context examples for "defiled" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If he knew she had touched him, he would know that he had been defiled.
Si Jesús llegaba a saber que ella le había tocado, también sabría que le había contaminado.
For if the sprinkling of defiled persons with
Pues si la sangre de machos cabríos y de
If she defiled him, he cleansed her.
Si ella le contaminó, él la purificó.
It is a compound of anonymity and impunity coupled with a scorn one might describe as racist, which permits some individuals to treat a child as an object to be used, defiled and rejected.
El anonimato, la impunidad, combinados con un desprecio que podemos calificar de racista, hacen que algunos tomen al niño como un objeto que se utiliza, se ensucia y se tira.