
"defendable" in Spanish

"defendable" in Spanish
to defend{transitive verb}
Why did Mr Delors not come forward to protect and defend the Commission?
Delors para proteger y defender a la Comisión?
They have decided to protect the agriculture industry and defend its interests.
Han optado por proteger el sector agrícola y defender sus intereses.
We must protect the welfare of each child and defend their interests.
Debemos proteger el bienestar de todos los niños y defender sus intereses.
leer[leyendo · leído] {v.t.} (tesis doctoral)
to defend[defended · defended] {transitive verb}
It is actually easier to defend the suburbs than it is to defend Morocco.
Efectivamente es más fácil defender la periferia que defender a Marruecos.
It is your job to defend the Services Directive, not to defend protectionism.
Su labor consiste en defender la Directiva de servicios y no en defender el proteccionismo.
We are called to defend them and to defend nature as well, of which we are a part.”
Estamos llamados a defender la naturaleza, de la que formamos parte”.
defensar[defensando · defensado] {v.t.} [obs.] (defender)

Context examples for "defendable" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Theme-by-theme specificity, which is real and does not mean business as usual, must be defendable vis-à-vis the system or the European Court.
La especificidad por temas, que es real y no tiene que ven con el negocio habitual, debe ser defendible ante el sistema o ante el Tribunal de las Comunidades Europeas.
I congratulate Parliament on that, but we think that our figures are perhaps more modest, but at the same time generally well defendable in the Council.
Las posibilidades son inmensas, pero también muestra que existe una oportunidad para los antiguos Estados miembros, de modo que todos los Estados miembros pueden lograr estos objetivos.