
"to commit a crime" in Spanish

"to commit a crime" in Spanish
to commit a crime{intransitive verb}
to commit a crime
incurrir en el delito
to commit a crime{intransitive verb}
An organized crime consists in getting organized to commit a crime.
El delito es la asociación para delinquir, el organizarse para cometer un delito.

Context examples for "to commit a crime" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Is it perhaps different to commit a crime against humanity in Europe than in Africa?
¿Tal vez es diferente cometer un crimen contra la humanidad en Europa o en África?
There are those who commit the crime and there are those who aid and abet.
Hay autores por comisión, hay autores por complicidad necesaria y hay autores por inducción.
Conspiracy, do not forget, is not when a crime is committed but when a person conspires to commit a crime.
No olvidemos que la conspiración no es un delito de por sí, sino solamente cuando se conspira para cometer un delito.
This will put an end to a situation in which, in many cases, it is not only cheap but actually profitable for them to commit a crime.
Se acabará así con una realidad que hace que, en muchos casos, a éstos les resulte no sólo barato sino sencillamente rentable cometer un crimen.
to commit a crime
incurrir en el delito
to commit a crime
cometer un delito
This is the only way we can support women and oppose society's acceptance of domestic violence and the impunity of those who commit this crime.
Esta es la única manera de apoyar a las mujeres y oponernos a la aceptación social de la violencia doméstica y la impunidad de quienes cometen ese delito.
As for criminals, information about them could be registered where there is good reason for supposing that they are about to commit a crime or where they have committed very serious crimes.
Por lo que respecta a los delincuentes, han de figurar en registros cuando exista evidencia justificada de que se preparan a actuar o de que han cometido graves delitos.
I want to say very briefly that we have to clamp down on sex tourism and make sure that nationals from Member States can be prosecuted if they commit a crime in third countries.
Quisiera decir muy brevemente que hemos de poner fin al turismo sexual y asegurarnos que los nacionales de los Estados miembros puedan ser procesados si cometen delitos en terceros países.