
"bucks" in Spanish

bucks{only plural}
tickets are 90 bucks a clip
las entradas cuestan 90 dólares cada una
There are a variety of cameras available today from the big three webcam manufacturers—Logitech, Creative, and Microsoft—with prices ranging from 20 to 100 bucks.
En la actualidad, hay una gran variedad de cámaras disponibles de tres grandes fabricantes de cámaras web, Logitech, Creative, y Microsoft, con precios que van de 20 a 100 dólares.
potro{m} (en gimnasia)
coz{f} (movimiento de un animal)
buck(also: airt, stag, deer)
to have buck teeth
tener dientes de conejo
buck hare
liebre macho
petimetre{m} [oldfsh.]
There are a variety of cameras available today from the big three webcam manufacturers—Logitech, Creative, and Microsoft—with prices ranging from 20 to 100 bucks.
En la actualidad, hay una gran variedad de cámaras disponibles de tres grandes fabricantes de cámaras web, Logitech, Creative, y Microsoft, con precios que van de 20 a 100 dólares.
verde{m} [LAm.] [coll.]
buck(also: common)

Context examples for "bucks" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
tickets are 90 bucks a clip
las entradas cuestan 90 dólares cada una
he emigrated and made a few bucks
emigró e hizo unas perras
we're talking major bucks here
es un montón de guita
we're talking major bucks here
es un dineral
we're talking major bucks here
es un platal
we're talking major bucks here
es un pastón
we're talking major bucks here
es un lanón
You might not care whether they ended up buying anything from your site, but you do want them to remember that catchy new slogan you paid big bucks to develop and share with the world.
Aunque no le preocupe demasiado que acaben comprando algo en su sitio web, sí quiere que recuerden el impactante eslogan que tanto dinero le ha costado desarrollar y difundir por el mundo.