
"beber" in English

"beber" in English
beber{transitive verb}
beber(also: bebida)
El proyecto abarcaba el abastecimiento de agua de beber, de alimentos y de medicamentos.
The project covered the supply of drinking water, food and medication.
Mauro, " sirve para beber agua.
'This glass, ' continued Mr Mauro, 'is used for drinking water.
Mauro, "sirve para beber agua.
'This glass,' continued Mr Mauro, 'is used for drinking water.
beber(also: tomar)
to swig {v.t.} [coll.]
beber(also: tomar)
to swig {v.i.}
beber(also: tomar)
to swill {v.t.} [coll.] (drink)
beber[bebiendo · bebido] {transitive verb}
libremente beber el cáliz que el Padre le ofrecía (cf.
freely accepted to drink the cup which the Father offered him (cf.
Se les dará de beber un vino puro, estampado con el sello [de Dios],
They are given to drink pure wine, sealed.
No sólo quieren comer y beber, también quieren irse de vacaciones, viajar, etcétera, etcétera.
They want not just to eat and drink, they also want to go on holiday, to travel, and so on and so forth.
beber(also: comer)
to sup {v.t.}

Context examples for "beber" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
deben ser dignos, sin doblez, no dados a beber mucho vino ni a negocios
double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for gain; they must
” --y brotaron de ella doce fuentes, y todos sabían de cual debían beber.
"- They did not wrong Us but it was themselves they were wont to wrong.
y obtienen de ellos [muchos otros] beneficios, y [leche] para beber?
And therein they have advantages and drinks; will they not then be grateful?
El proyecto abarcaba el abastecimiento de agua de beber, de alimentos y de medicamentos.
The project covered the supply of drinking water, food and medication.
¿y no hemos colocado sobre ella firmes y elevadas montañas, y os hemos dado para beber un agua dulce?
And placed therein lofty mountains, and given you to drink sweet water from them?
En los transportes de animales exigimos con razón descansos para que puedan alimentarse y beber.
We are right to demand feeding and watering breaks during the transportation of animals.
Fuera hay un bar, adonde pueden ir a beber tanto como deseen.
There is a bar outside, where you can go and get as drunk as you like.
Pero la juventud se ve influida por las costumbres de beber de la sociedad, costumbres que recoge.
Young people, however, are shaped by the drinking habits of adult society, which they copy.
me da aprensión beber de un vaso sin saber de quién es
I don't like the idea of drinking out of a glass without knowing whose it is
Mauro, " sirve para beber agua.
'This glass, ' continued Mr Mauro, 'is used for drinking water.
No sólo quieren comer y beber, también quieren irse de vacaciones, viajar, etcétera, etcétera.
They want not just to eat and drink, they also want to go on holiday, to travel, and so on and so forth.
tenía por norma no beber nunca más de tres vasos de vino
she made it a rule never to drink more than three glasses of wine
libremente beber el cáliz que el Padre le ofrecía (cf.
freely accepted to drink the cup which the Father offered him (cf.
Es triste, pero la edad a la que está permitido beber alcohol se baja cada vez más en muchos países.
It is sad, but the permissible age for drinking alcohol is getting lower and lower in many countries.
Por término medio, los ciudadanos europeos gastan una quinta parte de sus ingresos efectivos en comer y beber.
On average, a fifth of disposable income is spent on food and drink.
Mauro, "sirve para beber agua.
'This glass,' continued Mr Mauro, 'is used for drinking water.
Señora Presidenta, a Sócrates le dieron a beber la copa de cicuta porque había ofendido a los dioses.
Madam President, Socrates was given the poisoned cup because he was supposed to have insulted the gods.
es un aprovechado, viene aquí solo a comer y a beber
he's a real scrounger, he just comes here for the food and drink
Muy lozana ella, era la actriz ideal para invitar a los italianos a beber leche.
She was extremely successful and the ideal actress to persuade the Italians to drink milk.
[y entonces se le dijo:] “¡Golpea [el suelo] con el pie: ahí tienes agua fresca para lavarte y para beber!
(It was said unto him) "Strike with your foot; here is a cool, refreshing washing-place and a drink.