
"azares" in English

"azares" in English
azarar{transitive verb}
El hambre y la pobreza no pueden reducirse a un debate efímero sometido a los azares de una promoción oportunista en los medios de comunicación o de la caridad, por muy bienintencionada que sea.
Hunger and poverty cannot be reduced to an ephemeral debate subject to the ups and downs of opportunistic media promotion or of charity, however well intentioned.
A veces, el azar hace mucho mejor las cosas que la lógica política de esta Europa.
Things sometimes happen better by chance than by Europe's political logic.
Y por azar como, durante diez años, no se ha hecho nada en materia de EEB.
It is by chance that, for ten years, we have done nothing to combat BSE.
Sin embargo, es posible que estos resultados de subgrupos se deban al azar.
However, these subgroup findings could be due to chance and should be interpreted with caution.

Context examples for "azares" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Imaginemos que, por azares del calendario, la reciente cumbre trasatlántica hubiera debido retrasarse dos semanas.
Covering up the origins of the present fiasco would also be politically suspect.
Imaginemos que, por azares del calendario, la reciente cumbre trasatlántica hubiera debido retrasarse dos semanas.
Let us imagine that the vagaries of scheduling had forced the recent transatlantic summit to be put back by two weeks.
Se debe al avance hacia el euro y el euro ha creado ya y va a crear nuevas posibilidades para responder a los azares coyunturales y crear empleo.
This is due to the movement towards the euro. The euro has already created, and will create, new potential to respond to the hazards of the economic situation and to create jobs.
El hambre y la pobreza no pueden reducirse a un debate efímero sometido a los azares de una promoción oportunista en los medios de comunicación o de la caridad, por muy bienintencionada que sea.
Hunger and poverty cannot be reduced to an ephemeral debate subject to the ups and downs of opportunistic media promotion or of charity, however well intentioned.