
"aunque parezca mentira" in English

"aunque parezca mentira" in English
Al fin y al cabo, aunque parezca mentira, la brecha digital continúa existiendo hoy en día.
After all, the digital divide remains incredibly real today.

Context examples for "aunque parezca mentira" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Aunque parezca mentira, ha renunciado a que 1997 sea designado Año Europeo contra el Racismo.
Unbelievably, they have refused to allow 1997 to be designated European Year against Racism.
Aunque parezca mentira, nosotros somos los únicos que están contribuyendo a desarrollar la infraestructura de las carreteras de Haití.
Strangely enough, in Haiti, we are the only ones involved in the road infrastructure.
aunque parezca mentira tiene 50 años
you may find it hard to believe but she's 50
aunque parezca mentira, ha parado de llover
it's actually stopped raining!
aunque parezca mentira, gané yo
amazingly enough, I won
y, aunque parezca mentira, …
and, strange to relate, …
aunque parezca mentira
incredible though it may seem