
"arrimar" in English


Context examples for "arrimar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El empresario obtiene colaboradores flexibles y dispuestos a "arrimar el hombro» por la empresa.
To employers, it means more flexible staff who are willing to 'do that bit extra' for the business.
El empresario obtiene colaboradores flexibles y dispuestos a " arrimar el hombro» por la empresa.
To employers, it means more flexible staff who are willing to 'do that bit extra ' for the business.
Creo que hay tres ámbitos clave en los que los Estados Unidos y Europa han de arrimar el hombro en 2005.
I believe there are three key areas in which the United States and Europe should stand shoulder to shoulder in 2005.
Aun así, debemos procurar arrimar el hombro.
Nonetheless we must make the most of them.
Son objetivos muy ambiciosos y, si queremos alcanzarlos en poco más de una década, todas las partes interesadas deberán arrimar el hombro.
These are ambitious objectives, and, if they are to be achieved in little more than a decade, all the interested parties will have to make a joint effort.
arrimar el hombro
to pitch in
arrimar el hombro
to weigh in
En estos momentos, todo el mundo debe arrimar el hombro para que así sea y alcanzar los objetivos que fijamos en primer lugar para nosotros cuando acordamos la Carta de Doha hace tantos años.
Everyone must now pull together to make it happen and achieve the objectives that we first set out for ourselves when we agreed the Doha Charter all those years ago.
Ahora la SFOR deberá arrimar el hombro, porque la cooperación de la SFOR y las fuerzas políticas que la apoyan no se ha hecho ver hasta ahora, lo cual es extraordinariamente doloroso y vergonzoso.
The SFOR has to deliver the goods now, for the cooperation of SFOR and the political powers behind it, have so far been lacking. That is ultimately extremely painful and disgraceful.
Apoyar, estimular y estar preocupados por el desarrollo del proceso de paz en Oriente Próximo no es razón suficiente para manipular los hechos o para« arrimar el ascua a su sardina».
Supporting, encouraging and being concerned about the development of the peace process in the Middle East is not a sufficient reason to manipulate the facts or to " put one's own interests first '.