
"amused" in Spanish

"amused" in Spanish
to amuse{transitive verb}
to amuse{transitive verb}
amused{adjective} [idiom]
I have to admit that this report already has one merit: it amused me.
Confieso que este informe tiene un mérito: me ha divertido.
(FR) I have to admit that this report already has one merit: it amused me.
(FR) Confieso que este informe tiene un mérito: me ha divertido.
Madam President, like others here, I was in Geneva and was amazed and amused sometimes at how the WTO works.
Señora Presidenta, como otras personas de este recinto, he estado en Ginebra y me ha sorprendido y divertido a veces ver cómo funciona la OMC.
The role of children’s toys is not only to amuse, but also to teach children and help them get to know the world.
– Los juguetes no solo tienen la función de divertir, sino también de enseñar a los niños y ayudarles a conocer el mundo.
Let me amuse myself by making a suggestion.
Dejen que me divierta haciendo una sugerencia.
(FR) I have to admit that this report already has one merit: it amused me.
(FR) Confieso que este informe tiene un mérito: me ha divertido.
to amuse[amused · amused] {transitive verb}
We have amused ourselves with a pile of reports, but we have no idea what has happened to these initiatives; they have disappeared.
Nos hemos entretenido haciendo un montón de informes, pero no sabemos qué ha pasado con esas iniciativas; han desaparecido.
I amused myself the other day by looking up the word 'globalisation' in a dictionary from the beginning of the 1990s. It was not even to be found, so this is a relatively new debate.
Me entretuve el otro día buscando la palabra «globalización» en un diccionario de principios de los años 90 y ni siquiera aparecía, así que estamos ante un debate relativamente nuevo.
to amuse[amused · amused] {transitive verb} [idiom]

Synonyms (English) for "amused":
Context examples for "amused" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I know that some people are amused, but the matter is not funny.
Señora Presidenta, comprendo que a algunos les provoque risa pero no es un asunto cómico.
He had talents that I do not have, so I was always amused by his genuine ability to figure things out.
Tenía talentos que yo no tengo asi que siempre estaba sorprendido por su capacidad genuina de resolver las cosas.
if nothing else, he keeps the children amused
aunque no haga otra cosa, mantiene entretenidos a los niños
she kept them amused by telling stories
los tuvo entretenidos contándoles cuentos
she was very amused at the look on his face
le hizo mucha gracia la cara que puso
I have been both amazed and amused by the nervous tone of the question that the Committee Chairman, Mr-Leinen, has put.
Me produce sorpresa y alborozo el tono nervioso de la pregunta que ha formulado el Presidente de la comisión, el señor Leinen.
the game kept them amused for a while
el juego los tuvo entretenidos un rato
the game kept them amused for a while
se entretuvieron un rato con el juego
I was greatly amused by his reaction
me divirtió muchísimo su reacción
she had an amused gleam in her eye
miraba con una chispa de picardía
he knows how to keep himself amused
sabe divertirse solo
she's easily amused
se entretiene con cualquier cosa
we are not amused
no me parece gracioso
we are not amused
no le veo la gracia