
"amasado" in English

"amasado" in English
kneading{noun} [gastro.]
mixing{noun} [construct.]
to heap up {vb} (amass)
to pile up {vb} (collect)
amasar(also: sobar)
to work[worked · worked] {v.t.} (to shape, fashion)
amasar[amasando · amasado] {transitive verb}
Si es justa, solo lo es a criterio de quienes desean amasar el poder sobre el conjunto de Europa.
If it is just, it is only so in the eyes of those who wish to amass power throughout the whole of Europe.
Aceptamos el hecho de que las personas amasen grandes sumas de dinero en beneficios a nivel mundial.
We accept the fact that people amass huge sums in profits worldwide.
No es verdad que si los individuos amasan riqueza a una escala colosal, esto beneficiará a la larga a la comunidad.
It is not true that if individuals amass wealth on a colossal scale it will benefit the community at large.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "amasar":
Context examples for "amasado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por ello no es de extrañar que la Unión Europea haya amasado excedentes comerciales.
It is no wonder that the European Union has built up a trade surplus.
(IT) Señor Presidente, Señorías, es un hecho innegable que las agencia de calificación han amasado un poder enorme e incontrolado.
(IT) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, it is an incontrovertible fact that the rating agencies have now amassed huge and unchecked power.
Han amasado fortunas a expensas de la sociedad manipulando a personas que no solo han sido despojadas de sus derechos, sino también de sus bienes.
They have amassed fortunes at the expense of society by manipulating people who have been deprived not only of their rights, but also of their property.