
"solicitar créditos" in English

"solicitar créditos" in English

Similar translations for "solicitar créditos" in English
Context examples for "solicitar créditos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No se trata esta vez de solicitar créditos extraordinarios por "catástrofes naturales" .
This time, we are not claiming appropriations for exceptional circumstances under the "natural disasters" heading.
No se trata esta vez de solicitar créditos extraordinarios por " catástrofes naturales ".
This time, we are not claiming appropriations for exceptional circumstances under the " natural disasters " heading.
Esto es especialmente importante para que se puedan solicitar los créditos de PHARE y sea más transparente adónde van a parar.
This is particularly important so that PHARE funds can be used and so that greater transparency is achieved in relation to where these funds are going.
Después de que se les animara a solicitar créditos que quizá no podían permitirse devolver, estas personas acabaron siendo los más afectadas por no poder pagar estos préstamos.
Having been encouraged to take out loans which they perhaps could not afford to repay, they then found themselves bearing the brunt of being unable to pay those loans.
La agencia puede, además, solicitar créditos suplementarios en el marco de un presupuesto rectificativo y suplementario si la solicitud está justificada y si hay créditos disponibles.»
The agency may also apply for further appropriations in the framework of a supplementary and amending budget if it is proved to be justifiable and the means are available. '