
"sin precedente" in English

"sin precedente" in English

Similar translations for "sin precedente" in English
Context examples for "sin precedente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La adhesión de los nuevos Estados miembros está abriendo oportunidades sin precedente.
The accession of the new Member States is opening up unprecedented opportunities.
Sin embargo, el precedente de la fiscalidad del ahorro debería servirnos de advertencia.
The precedent of taxation on savings should, however, serve as a warning to you.
Si no se abre pronto un corredor amenaza una catástrofe humanitaria sin precedente.
If a corridor is not quickly created, an unparalleled humanitarian disaster threatens.
(FR) Señora Presidenta, sin que sirva de precedente, voy a hablar de procedimiento.
(FR) Madam President, just for once, I will speak about procedure.
No obstante, sin que sirva de precedente, quisiera celebrar dos hechos extremadamente positivos.
Nevertheless, for once there are two extremely positive facts which I welcome.
Sin que sirva de precedente, debo decirles que la versión francesa es la correcta.
Without wishing to set a precedent, I must tell you that the French version is the correct version.
A eso me refería cuando decía "sin que sirva de precedente".
That was what I meant when I said, 'without wishing to set a precedent'.
Sin que sirva de precedente, aunque sea Presidente también me gustaría ofrecer mi pleno apoyo.
Just the once will not hurt, since I am President, but I too would like to offer my full support.
Para ello es indispensable fijar desde ahora con precisión la estrategia de esta ampliación sin precedente.
So it is indispensable, as of now, to establish a precise strategy for this unprecedented enlargement.
Esto crea, sin embargo, un precedente peligroso.
This does, however, create a dangerous precedent.
Se le está demostrando un odio sin precedente.
It demonstrates an unprecedented hatred.
Reunido en el Pleno en Estrasburgo, el Parlamento Europeo ha discutido con una intensidad sin precedente para lograrlo.
At its Strasbourg session, the European Parliament debated with unprecedented intensity in an attempt to achieve this.
Sin que sirva de precedente, como me piden la palabra, se la voy a conceder para que intervengan muy brevemente.
Without setting any precedents, as they have asked for the floor, I shall give it to them so that they may speak very briefly.
Cualquier compensación se hace ex gratia, o lo que es lo mismo, sin admisión de responsabilidad legal y sin crear un precedente legal.
Any such offer is made ex gratia, or in other words without admission of legal liability and without creating a legal precedent.
Si entra dentro de los veinte minutos, sin que sirva de precedente - y he escuchado al Sr.
If it comes within the twenty minutes, without setting a precedent - and I have heard Mr Liikanen - I will allow a brief reply.
Tampoco somos favorables a la referencia de que se trata de una asistencia totalmente excepcional y sin precedente para el futuro.
We are not favourably inclined, either, to the comment that this assistance is exceptional and will not set a precedent for the future.
Green -sin que sirva de precedente- y pido: »¡Ni un duro más para Turquía!».
At all events, for once, I shall be adding my voice to that of Mrs Green - just this once - and I say: ' not another penny for Turkey!' .
Hay que retomar este hilo con arreglo a las normas de la OMC y sin que constituya un precedente en otros capítulos de negociación.
This thread must be taken up again in accordance with WTO rules and without this constituting a precedent for other negotiating chapters.
- Sin que sirva de precedente, porque no vamos a seguir el debate, le voy a conceder la palabra al Sr.
Without wishing to set a precedent, because we are not going to continue the debate, I am going to give the floor to Mr Cushnahan for a clarification.
Señor Mulder, le cedo la palabra sin que sirva de precedente porque entiendo que ha realizado usted la labor en nombre del presidente de la comisión.
Mr Mulder I will give the floor exceptionally to you because I understand you have been carrying out the work on behalf of the Chairman of the Committee.