
"responder por" in English

"responder por" in English
to answer for{vb} [idiom] (guarantee)
Voy a responder por orden al conjunto de las preguntas.
I shall answer all the questions in the order in which they were asked.
El señor Mitchell deberá responder por sus comentarios.
I will leave Mr Mitchell to answer for his comments.
El señor Gbagbo, por lo tanto, debe ser llevado ante la justicia para responder por sus actos.
Mr Gbagbo should therefore be brought to justice to answer for his acts.
to answer for{vb} [idiom] (reply on behalf of)
Voy a responder por orden al conjunto de las preguntas.
I shall answer all the questions in the order in which they were asked.
El señor Mitchell deberá responder por sus comentarios.
I will leave Mr Mitchell to answer for his comments.
El señor Gbagbo, por lo tanto, debe ser llevado ante la justicia para responder por sus actos.
Mr Gbagbo should therefore be brought to justice to answer for his acts.

Context examples for "responder por" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Quisiera dar las gracias en su nombre al Comisario por responder a la pregunta.
On his behalf, I thank the Commissioner for his answer to the question.
. – Señor Presidente, permítame empezar por responder a la última intervención.
. – Mr President, let me start by reacting to the last contribution.
Como tales, deben responder, por supuesto, a obligaciones de transparencia.
As such, they must obviously meet obligations with regard to transparency.
Gracias, señor Comisario, y gracias por responder a esta última pregunta.
Thank you, Commissioner, and thank you for dealing with that last question.
Señora Presidenta, quiero dar las gracias al Comisario por responder a la pregunta.
Madam President, may I thank the Commissioner for taking the question.
. – Señor Presidente, permítame empezar por responder a la última intervención.
. – Mr President, let me start by reacting to the last contribution.
El Comisario está dispuesto a responder a sus preguntas por escrito.
We then came up with the idea of making 2004 the Year of Education through Sport.
Es importante porque nos hemos esforzado por responder a no pocas de sus expectativas.
This is important, because we have endeavoured to respond to many of your expectations.
Por lo tanto, si el Consejo lo desea puede responder por escrito, de acuerdo con su solicitud.
Therefore, if the Council so wishes, it can reply in writing, as you request.
Las empresas deben responder ante el consumidor por los daños aunque no concurra culpa.
Companies must assume liability for damage to consumers without fault.
Felicito al Comisario por responder a esto de forma contundente, firme y pública.
I congratulate the Commissioner on responding to this in a way that was sharp, tough and public.
Un marco integral nos ayudaría a responder caso por caso a cada conflicto.
A comprehensive framework would help us to respond on a case-by-case basis to each conflict.
Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, gracias a ésta última por responder la pregunta.
Mr President, Commissioner, thank you for answering the question.
Podrían ustedes responder, por supuesto, que este es un asunto interno de Irlanda, pero no es así.
Of course, you may say that this is an internal matter for Ireland, but it is not.
El señor Gbagbo, por lo tanto, debe ser llevado ante la justicia para responder por sus actos.
Mr Gbagbo should therefore be brought to justice to answer for his acts.
Haré todo lo posible por responder a algunas de las cuestiones que han planteado ustedes.
I shall do my utmost to respond to some of the issues you raised.
No obstante, estaré encantado de responder por escrito a la pregunta que acaba de plantear.
However, I will be more than happy to react in writing to the question that you have just put.
El Comisario está dispuesto a responder a sus preguntas por escrito.
The Commissioner is prepared to answer your questions in writing.
Responderé a algunas preguntas, señor Presidente, y ruego disculpas por no responder a todas.
I intend to answer a few questions, Mr President, and I do apologise for not answering them all.
(DE) Muchas gracias por responder de manera tan clara y exhaustiva.
(DE) Many thanks for that very good and very exhaustive reply.