
"renacido" in English

renacido{adjective masculine}
Dejar de lado el renacer de los prejuicios nacionalistas es la esencia de la idea europea.
Moving beyond the revival of nationalist prejudices is to the essence of the European idea.
Asimismo da un impulso real al renacer de la estrategia.
It also gives real impetus to the strategy’s revival.
En el contexto del renacer de los objetivos de Lisboa de crecimiento y empleo, el Séptimo Programa Marco desempeña una función de enorme importancia.
Within the context of the revival of the growth and employment Lisbon objectives, the Seventh Framework Programme plays a role of the utmost importance.
el viaje a la India los hizo renacer espiritualmente
their visit to India left them feeling spiritually reborn
El modelo social de esta directiva es la ley de la jungla; la autoasistencia representa el renacer de la esclavitud.
This directive’ s social model is as good as the law of the jungle; self-handling is slavery reborn.
El modelo social de esta directiva es la ley de la jungla; la autoasistencia representa el renacer de la esclavitud.
This directive’s social model is as good as the law of the jungle; self-handling is slavery reborn.
El futuro de Argelia, no obstante, estaría más seguro bajo el potencial democrático existente que bajo un renacer de las ideas fundamentalistas.
The future of Algeria, however, would be more secure under the existing potential for democracy than under a new resurgence of fundamentalist ideas.
resuscitation{noun} (revival)
reawakening{noun} [poet.]
to revive[revived · revived] {v.i.} (hope, interest)
Esto es lo que debe hacer para hacer renacer el Congo.
That is the approach he will have to adopt in order to revive the Congo.
sintió renacer sentimientos que creía extinguidos
feelings he thought dead began to revive in him
Citando el himno a San Cirilo y San Metodio:« Avanza, pueblo renacido, marcha hacia tu futuro, forja tu destino de gloria…».
To quote from the hymn to St Cyril and St Methodius: ‘ March ahead, oh revived people, to your future march ahead, forge your destiny of glory...’.

Context examples for "renacido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Citando el himno a San Cirilo y San Metodio:« Avanza, pueblo renacido, marcha hacia tu futuro, forja tu destino de gloria…».
To quote from the hymn to St Cyril and St Methodius: ‘ March ahead, oh revived people, to your future march ahead, forge your destiny of glory...’.
Citando el himno a San Cirilo y San Metodio: «Avanza, pueblo renacido, marcha hacia tu futuro, forja tu destino de gloria…».
To quote from the hymn to St Cyril and St Methodius: ‘March ahead, oh revived people, to your future march ahead, forge your destiny of glory ...’.
cristiano renacido
born-again Christian