
"religious life" in Spanish

"religious life" in English
of the pontifical pronouncements on the episcopacy, on religious life and on the
y de los documentos pontificios acerca del Episcopado, la Vida religiosa y las
of the gift of being called to the priesthood and the religious life, which the
el don de la llamada al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa, que tanto
and women, in the religious life and in secular institutes.
sacerdotes, y a vosotros, consagrados y consagradas, en la vida religiosa y en

Context examples for "religious life" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
of the pontifical pronouncements on the episcopacy, on religious life and on the
y de los documentos pontificios acerca del Episcopado, la Vida religiosa y las
figures of consecrated life, religious and secular, who have served the Church
grandes figuras de los consagrados, religiosos y seglares, que han servido a la
nature of the Church, of the ministry of bishops and of religious life in the
misterio de Cristo, de la naturaleza sacramental de la Iglesia, del Ministerio
ancestors and community traditions, the religious sense of life and death as
sentido religioso de la vida y de la muerte, que se expresa en celebraciones
Finally, aware of the fact that religious life of its very nature requires a
Finalmente, teniendo presente que la Vida Religiosa requiere por su misma
Religious Life where it is stated: "Through all, there should be a sincere
consagrada se ha encontrado « en todas partes un deseo sincero de instaurar
of the gift of being called to the priesthood and the religious life, which the
el don de la llamada al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa, que tanto
besides giving legal sanction to the religious form of life and thus raising it
profesión religiosa a la dignidad de estado canónico, sino que con
the current problems of religious life and the urgent missionary needs, and that
problemas que actualmente atañen a la Vida religiosa y la urgente
talk, nor vague religious sentiment, but new life in Christ instilled by
la fe no es un discurso abstracto ni un vago sentimiento religioso, sino
the bishops in regard to the practical life of religious leads one to discover
Romano Pontífice y de los Obispos con relación a la vida concreta
and women, in the religious life and in secular institutes.
sacerdotes, y a vosotros, consagrados y consagradas, en la vida religiosa y en
Maciej Olszewski – JPIC Coordinator and Postulant Director); The Crisis in Franciscan Religious Life.
Maciej Olszewski – Coordinador JPIC y Maestro de postulantes); La crísis en la vida religiosa franciscana.
Hence, religious life is either creative or it does not exist!
¡La vida religiosa o es creativa o no existe!
There is space for some reflections on the Franciscans themes, on the votes and theology of religious life.
También se ofrecen diversas reflexiones sobre franciscanismo, la teología de los votos y la vida religiosa.
There is no Christian or religious life without spiritual life as long as we understand the latter as an experience of God.
¡No hay vida cristiana o religiosa sin vida espiritual!, entendida ésta como experiencia de Dios.
Particularly promising in this same regard is the increase of vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.
Particularmente prometedor, a este respecto, es el aumento de las vocaciones al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa.
essential element of their religious life (cf.
elemento esencial de su vida religiosa (cfr.
On these occasions it is a pleasure for me to meet you who represent the civil and religious life of the your country.
En esta oportunidad, me complace reunirme con vosotros, que representáis la vida civil y religiosa de vuestro país.