
"relatives" in Spanish

What steps will the Commission take to support the prisoners and their relatives?
¿Qué medidas está previsto adoptar para ayudar a los presos y sus familiares?
If the relatives oppose the organ removal, then their view will be respected.
Si los familiares se oponen a la extracción de los órganos, su opinión se respeta.
What steps will the Council take to support the prisoners and their relatives?
¿Qué medidas está previsto adoptar para ayudar a los presos y sus familiares?
parientes{m pl}
It is consumed within their own families or by friends, acquaintances or relatives.
La consumen en el seno de la familia o con amigos, conocidos y parientes.
First of all, my thoughts are with the victims of this tragedy and their relatives.
En primer lugar, mis pensamientos están con las víctimas de esa tragedia y sus parientes.
Their relatives are faced with appalling bureaucracy through which they have to wade.
Sus parientes se encuentran con una burocracia aplastante que tienen que vadear.
allegados{m pl}
This complete attention must also involve the consideration of family relatives as also being victims.
Y tampoco habrá atención completa si no se extiende el concepto de víctima a los familiares allegados.
The families have the right to know who murdered their relatives and that the perpetrators must atone for this.
Las familias tienen derecho a saber quién ha asesinado a sus allegados y a que los autores paguen por ello.
We are united in shock and grief for the 150 people who died and we share in the pain of their relatives.
En esta situación traumática y luctuosa por las 150 víctimas mortales nos encontramos unidos y compartimos el dolor con sus allegados.
There are very few Scottish families that do not have a relative, however distant, living in Canada.
Hay pocas familias escocesas que no tengan un pariente, aunque sea lejano, que vive en Canadá.
she has been shunted from one relative to another
anda rolando de un pariente a otro
It is just as likely to be our own neighbour, workmate or relative who perpetrates such acts of violence.
Puede muy bien ser nuestro vecino, compañero de trabajo o pariente quien perpetre estos actos de violencia.
The total cancellation of debt for all African countries would lead to considerable inequalities in the distortion of aid among them, measured by their relative poverty levels.
La cancelación total de la deuda de todos los países africanos acarrearía grandes desigualdades entre ellos en la asignación de la ayuda en función de sus niveles de pobreza relativos.
I think that is right, and I also think it right that the victims' relatives should be compensated, even though compensation can never bring back those who lost their lives.
Considero que era un deber mostrar un rechazo, tal como lo es que los deudos sean resarcidos, aunque nada devolverá la vida a quienes han muerto.
I think that is right, and I also think it right that the victims ' relatives should be compensated, even though compensation can never bring back those who lost their lives.
Considero que era un deber mostrar un rechazo, tal como lo es que los deudos sean resarcidos, aunque nada devolverá la vida a quienes han muerto.
She was the sixth relative of a political prisoner to die on hunger strike.
Era el sexto familiar de los presos políticos fallecido a causa de la huelga de hambre.
It is sometimes called a family illness, with relatives often suffering from chronic stress.
A veces se le conoce como una enfermedad familiar, pues los familiares a menudo sufren de estrés crónico.
Imagine the rape of a single relative, and imagine the same thing happening to tens of thousands of others.
Imaginen que nos violan a una familiar, una sola, y pensemos ahora que esto mismo está pasando con decenas de miles de personas.
relativo{adj. m}
Meta-analysis was carried out with use of relative risk and risk difference.
Se efectuaron metaanálisis con uso del riesgo relativo y de la diferencia de riesgo.
The relative benefit for at least 50% pain relief was calculated.
Se calculó el beneficio relativo para el alivio del dolor del 50% como mínimo.
Check this box to define the relative width of the object in the Width spin box.
Si marca este campo podrá indicar el ancho relativo del objeto en el campo giratorio Ancho.
concernir a{adj.} [form.]

Synonyms (English) for "relative":
Context examples for "relatives" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We sympathise with the relatives of the victims of the atrocious violence in Iraq.
Ese fue también el motivo del programa a corto plazo que aprobamos en el Consejo Europeo.
We remember the victims and express our condolences to their relatives.
Queremos recordar a las víctimas y expresar nuestro pésame a sus familias.
Hundreds of their relatives in Belgium and the Netherlands are now mourning their loss.
Muchos cientos de familias en Bélgica y los Países Bajos están de luto.
Their relatives have every right to know what became of their loved ones.
Estas personas tienen todo el derecho del mundo a saber qué les ha pasado exactamente a los suyos.
We also extend our condolences to his family and relatives and to the Irish people.
No está claro quien asesinó al arzobispo Courtney.
The sense of horror and sympathy for the victims of this mass killing and their surviving relatives is great.
Hay una segunda lección mayor, que ha sido debatida en los Países Bajos.
Even the relatives of Ingrid Betancourt have claimed that it is President Uribe who is opposed to any humanitarian exchange.
Creo que la Comisión y el Consejo deben prestar una mayor atención a este aspecto.
A very important thing for a patient is to be close to his relatives and not to face a language barrier.
Para un paciente es muy importante estar cerca de su familia y no tener que afrontar la barrera lingüística.
Amendment No 5 deals with relatives from the ascending line.
La enmienda 5 trata sobre los ascendientes.
The families have the right to know who murdered their relatives and that the perpetrators must atone for this.
Las familias tienen derecho a saber quién ha asesinado a sus allegados y a que los autores paguen por ello.
As a student, you will have to prove that you have (for your,parents, other relatives or non-registered partner ):
Si eres estudiante, deberás demostrar que tenéis:
he milked his relatives dry
les chupó la sangre a sus parientes hasta dejarlos sin un centavo
he milked his relatives dry
exprimió la sangre a sus parientes hasta dejarlos sin un centavo
relatives in the ascending line, when these people are in the applicant's care as well as children of full age who are also dependants.
los ascendientes, cuando estén a cargo del reagrupante, así como los hijos mayores dependientes.
relatives in the ascending line, when these people are in the applicant' s care as well as children of full age who are also dependants.
los ascendientes, cuando estén a cargo del reagrupante, así como los hijos mayores dependientes.
Patients would rather be treated in a familiar environment close to their relatives and where they understand the language.
Los pacientes preferirían ser tratados en un entorno conocido, cerca de sus familias y donde entiendan la lengua.
It is family and relatives who, in the most basic way, can give children the home, and the childhood and adolescence, which they naturally require.
La familia es esencial para dar un hogar y permitir el crecimiento natural de los menores.
Across my country, Scotland, we have seen Scots Asians reach out to their friends and relatives in Kashmir.
La UE tiene la obligación moral y política de ofrecer ayuda humanitaria y contribuir a la reconstrucción de la región en el futuro.
We are united in shock and grief for the 150 people who died and we share in the pain of their relatives.
En esta situación traumática y luctuosa por las 150 víctimas mortales nos encontramos unidos y compartimos el dolor con sus allegados.
Acupuncture is widely accepted by Chinese people and it is increasingly requested by patients and their relatives in Western countries.
Evaluar la efectividad y la seguridad de la acupuntura en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular agudo.