
"qualified auditors" in Spanish

"qualified auditors" in English

Context examples for "qualified auditors" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ultimately that should mean a system where we appoint proper, qualified auditors to the Court.
En última instancia esto tendría que implicar un sistema dentro del cual nombremos auditores aptos y capaces para el Tribunal de Cuentas.
In its report the Court of Auditors again qualified its opinion on the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions.
En su informe, el Tribunal de Cuentas ha emitido una vez más su opinión sobre la legalidad y regularidad de las operaciones subyacentes.
The Court of Auditors qualified its opinion on the legality and regularity of the transactions underlying its accounts for the 2009 financial year.
El Tribunal de Cuentas ha expresado sus reservas sobre la legalidad y regularidad de las operaciones subyacentes en las cuentas del ejercicio 2009.
In its report on the accounts of the Agency, the Court of Auditors qualified its opinion on the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions.
En su informe sobre las cuentas de la Agencia, el Tribunal de Cuentas presenta su opinión sobre la legalidad y regularidad de las operaciones subyacentes.