
"poemas" in English

"poemas" in English
poemas{masculine plural}
poemas{masculine plural}
una nota melancólica subyace en todos estos poemas
there is an underlying note of melancholy in all of these poems
una nota melancólica subyace en todos estos poemas
a note of melancholy underlies all of these poems
leyó los dos poemas pero no le gustó ninguno
she read both poems, but liked neither
En este contexto he escrito un poema que me gustaría leerles.
In this context I have composed a poem which I should like to share with you.
Por ese poema Osip Mandelstam fue enviado al exilio.
For that poem Osip Mandelstam was sent into exile.
Es este consenso, al que Ruy Cinatti hizo referencia en su poema, la necesidad más acuciante de Timor Oriental.
It is this consensus that Ruy Cinatti referred to in his poem which is the most pressing need of East Timor.
poema(also: poesía)
piece{noun} (of poetry)
rhyme{noun} (poem)
Los poemas que recitan, usualmente sobre el amor, se escriben en un metro silábico rítmico y termina con un cuarteto en el que el âsik susurra el Mâhlas, su seudónimo.
The poems they recite, usually about love, are written in rhymed syllabic meter and end with a quatrain in which the âsik utters the Mâhlas, his pseudonym.
poema(also: poesía)

Context examples for "poemas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
una nota melancólica subyace en todos estos poemas
there is an underlying note of melancholy in all of these poems
una nota melancólica subyace en todos estos poemas
a note of melancholy underlies all of these poems
leyó los dos poemas pero no le gustó ninguno
she read both poems, but liked neither
Gregorio Nacianceno, Poemas teológicos, 1); pero sabe también que puede contar con Aquel que ha tenido la misión de enseñar todas las cosas a los discípulos (cf.
But he can also count on the One who set himself to teach the disciples everything (cf.
le dedicó los poemas a su mujer
he dedicated his poems to his wife
leyó una selección de sus poemas
he read a selection of his poems
unos poemas de su propia cosecha
some of his own poems
sus poemas son una birria
his poems are garbage
sus poemas son una birria
his poems are rubbish
sus poemas son una birria
his poems are crap
– Señor Presidente, Señorías, en uno de sus poemas, el mayor de los poetas portugueses dijo que el amor era «un fuego que quema sin ser visto».
– Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, in a verse, the greatest Portuguese poet once described love as ‘fire that burns without being seen’.
libro de poemas
book of poems