
"pequeño comerciante" in English

"pequeño comerciante" in English

Context examples for "pequeño comerciante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se le pedirá al pequeño comerciante que juegue un papel importante en el proceso de conversión.
The small shopkeeper will be asked to play an important role in the changeover process.
Luego hay otro problema, y concretamente para los británicos, la cuestión de qué es un pequeño comerciante.
The next problem, particularly for the UK, is what constitutes a small retailer?
Así pues, no abrumo al pequeño comerciante.
So I am not discriminating against small retailers by any means.
Existen muchas dudas sobre varias cosas, por ejemplo, el coste del material que necesitará el pequeño comerciante.
There is a good deal of uncertainty about a number of things: the cost of the equipment, which the small trader will need.
Llevándolo a la comparación con el comercio, diríamos que estamos ayudando a o a en contra del pequeño comerciante.
To draw a comparison with the retail trade, it is as if we were helping large department stores such as or and penalising small traders.
Llevándolo a la comparación con el comercio, diríamos que estamos ayudando a o a en contra del pequeño comerciante.
Mr President, most farmers in Portugal are worried at these Commission proposals on reforming the common organisation of the markets in Mediterranean produce such as oil, tobacco and cotton.
Quisiera pedir a sus Señorías que examinaran bien las enmiendas núms. 23 y 24, pues no les ponen las cosas difíciles al pequeño comerciante, sino que se las facilitan.
I would urge Members to look very closely at Amendments Nos 23 and 24 which, far from making life more difficult for small retailers, actually make it easier for them.