
"pasmo" in English

"pasmo" in English
Nos quedamos pasmados al enterarnos de que recientemente un tribunal canadiense ha fallado que no se hará responsables de ninguna manera a los oficiales de policía por su medida.
We were amazed to learn recently that a Canadian court has ruled the police officers will not be held responsible for their action in any way.
to stun {vb}
Cuando escucho algunas intervenciones, o leo ciertos pasajes del informe, me quedo estupefacto y pasmado.
When I hear what some Members have to say, or when I read certain passages in the report, I am stunned and astounded.

Context examples for "pasmo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
cuando llegó la cuenta de la luz me dio el pasmo
when the electricity bill arrived I nearly had a fit
Cuando visitamos Rumania hace algunos meses, he de decir que me pasmó la actitud de algunos políticos destacados ante la cuestión de la homosexualidad.
When we visited Romania some months ago, I must say I was quite appalled by the attitude of leading politicians to the issue of homosexuality.