
"parking garage" in Spanish

"parking garage" in Spanish
In addition, it required a redesign of the representative public square in front of the historic courthouse building with a new parking garage underneath.
Adems se requera un nuevo diseo de la plaza pblica en frente del Edificio Histrico de Justicia as como un parking subterrneo.

Context examples for "parking garage" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In addition, it required a redesign of the representative public square in front of the historic courthouse building with a new parking garage underneath.
Presentado por el Instituto Getty de Conservacin y la Fundacin Getty.
In addition, it required a redesign of the representative public square in front of the historic courthouse building with a new parking garage underneath.
nanse a conservador y arquelogo, Roberto Nardi, fundador del CCA, mientras que recuenta los pasos dados hacia la conservacin y salvaguarda de esta simblica obra de arte para el prximo milenio.