
"cuya" in English

"cuya" in English
cuya{adjective feminine}
cuyo{adjective masculine}
cuya{adjective feminine}
cuya(also: cuyo)
of which{adj.}
Estas cuatro partes, cuya importancia es independiente, deben ser coordinadas.
These four parts, which are each of independent importance, must be coordinated.
Esto es un éxito importante cuya importancia no se puede valorar suficientemente.
This represents a considerable success and one which should not be underestimated.
Se han efectuado pagos cuya justificación no estaba acreditada.
Payments for which there was no underlying proof of entitlement had been granted.
cuya(also: cuyo, cuyos)
Número es el valor cuya cotangente hiperbólica inversa debe calcularse.
Number is the value whose inverse hyperbolic cotangent is to be calculated.
No somos una institución teórica cuya responsabilidad sea únicamente el análisis.
We are not a theoretical institution here, whose responsibility is merely analysis.
Sirve a los trabajadores migrantes cuya familia sigue viviendo en su país de origen.
Useful for migrant workers whose family still lives in their country of origin.
cuyo{adjective masculine}
cuyo(also: cuya)
of which{adj.}
económico, cultural, psicológico y espiritual cuyo alcance
spiritual problems of a magnitude which has for some time been a matter of
¿Se trata de aplicación o de un acto delegado, en cuyo caso es legislación?
Is it implementation, or is it a delegated act - in which case it is legislation?
profunda con el orden moral objetivo, establecido por Dios, cuyo fiel intérprete
relationship to the objective moral order established by God, of which a right
cuyo(also: cuya, cuyos)
Configure el área cuyo contenido deba mostrarse en la lista de contenidos.
Select the section whose contents are to be displayed in the list of contents.
Número es el valor cuyo coseno hiperbólico inverso debe calcularse.
Number is the value whose inverse hyperbolic cosine is to be calculated.
Necesitamos la contribución de esas personas cuyo medio de vida está en juego.
We need the contribution of these people whose livelihoods are at stake.

Context examples for "cuya" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Estas cuatro partes, cuya importancia es independiente, deben ser coordinadas.
These four parts, which are each of independent importance, must be coordinated.
Se han puesto en marcha proyectos cuya legitimidad se basaba en la Constitución.
Projects have been started which depended on the Constitution for their legitimacy.
Las normas cuya inclusión deseamos figuran claramente en la resolución conjunta.
The standards that we want have been set out clearly in the joint resolution.
Esto es un éxito importante cuya importancia no se puede valorar suficientemente.
This represents a considerable success and one which should not be underestimated.
Este será uno de los principales criterios sobre cuya base se evaluará el año 2007.
That will be one of the main criteria against which the year 2007 will be assessed.
Sin embargo, no confiamos en los gobiernos de los países cuya moneda es el euro.
However, we have no confidence in the governments of the countries that have this euro.
que trajo el catolicismo; la africana, cuya religiosidad fue permeada por el
influence, bringing with it Catholic Christianity, the African influence, its
No se trata de una simple frontera, cuya mera conveniencia sería discutible.
This is not simply a border that is questionable only in its appropriateness.
Señor, en cuya sangre los pueblos dispersos se han reunido y los alejados
scattered peoples are reunited and those far away become close, breaking down "the
cultura propia en cuya formación ha habido influencias diversas: la hispánica,
culture, shaped by a dense synthesis of different influences: the Spanish
La Unión Europea está basada en valores cuya defensa es nuestra tarea común.
The European Union is founded upon values, the protection of which is our common task.
Los países cuya participación no haya sido apropiada percibirán una cantidad inferior.
The reform that is now in its initial stages will change absolutely nothing.
Solo podemos procesar reclamaciones enviadas por el usuario cuya identidad se suplante.
We can only process complaints made by the person who is being impersonated.
El equipo está sintonizado en una frecuencia que no está disponible o cuya señal es débil.
Your computer is tuned to a frequency that is not available or has a weak signal.
Señor diputado, ya he respondido a la pregunta cuya respuesta exige usted.
Mr Seppänen, I did answer the question, although you were not happy with what I said.
Este programa, cuya cuantía asciende a unos 40 millones de euros, se comprometerá en 2003.
This programme, which is worth about EUR 40 million, will be committed in 2003.
Por eso precisamente se trata de una enfermedad europea cuya prevalencia aumenta.
That is why it is very much a European disease growing in prevalence.
Los países cuya participación no haya sido apropiada percibirán una cantidad inferior.
Those countries that did not participate properly will receive less money.
ellas como medios de salvación, cuya virtud deriva de la misma plenitud de
has not refrained from using them as means of salvation which derive their
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Select an entry to view its default settings and to be able to edit them.