
"of Concepción" in Spanish

"of Concepción" in English

Similar translations for "of Concepción" in Spanish
of whichadjective
Context examples for "of Concepción" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Concepción There was great damage especially in the church and chapels.
Concepción Hubo grandes daños materiales sobre todo en el templo y capillas.
Master of Arts and Heritage - University of Concepción.
Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio - Universidad de Concepción.
her work has been ably continued by Concepción Pérez
su labor ha tenido digna continuadora en Concepción Pérez
In Concepcion, the house is solidly built and the church is a consolidated hangar which seems to have suffered no damage.
En Concepción la casa es de construcción firme y el templo un hangar revestido, al parecer no hubo mayor daño.
They immigrated to this country from Colombia in hopes of giving their family… View Shareable Video Play Concepcion Aguillon Monterrey, NL Mexico
Inmigraron a este país desde Colombia… Ver video compartible Reproducir Concepcion Aguillon Monterrey, NL Mexico
Sister Concepción
la hermana Concepción
Mr President, may I express my solidarity and brotherly affection to the people of Chile after the terrible earthquakes and tsunami they experienced in Concepción, Biobío, Temuco and Valparaíso.
Expreso, señor Presidente, mi solidaridad y afecto fraternal al pueblo de Chile por los durísimos terremotos y tsunami padecidos en Concepción, en Bio Bio, en Temuco o en Valparaíso.
Concepción (Chile) Sponsored by ICOMOS Chile was opened for nominations to the new Master of Arts and Heritage of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the University of Concepción (Chile).
Concepción (Chile) Con el patrocinio de ICOMOS Chile se abren las postulaciones al nuevo Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio de la Facultad de Humanidades y Arte de la Universidad de Concepción (Chile).