
"odiado" in English

"odiado" in English
En realidad, hacerlo resultaría incluso menos popular que su Tratado de Lisboa, tan odiado.
In fact to do that would be even more unpopular than your hated Lisbon Treaty.
Animaría el sentimiento patriótico de los iraníes, que se unirían en apoyo del odiado régimen y de sus armas nucleares, si las hay.
That would encourage patriotic feeling on the part of the Iranians, and they would rally to the support of the hated regime and its nuclear weapons, if any.
Todos aquí somos representantes de pueblos que se han odiado, que han intentado destruirse, que, en algunos casos, lucharon durante siglos.
All of us here are the representatives of people who hated one another, who sought to destroy one another, and some who waged war on one another for centuries.
Personalmente, odio este hábito -sencillamente lo detesto- y aplaudo la prohibición que ha sido introducida en mi país.
Personally I hate the stuff - just loathe the stuff - and I welcome the ban that has been introduced in my country.
odiar a muerte
to loathe
odiar[odiando · odiado] {transitive verb}
odiar a muerte
to detest
Señor Presidente, no podemos transigir con los que odian la libertad y la democracia.
Mr President, there can be no compromise with those who hate freedom and democracy.
Sé que todos odian al Presidente Klaus porque cree en la democracia nacional.
I know that you all hate President Klaus because he believes in national democracy.
En mi sueño le preguntaba: «¿Por qué nos odia usted tanto a los europeos y a los estadounidenses?»
In the dream I asked him: ‘Why did you hate us Europeans and Americans so much?’

Context examples for "odiado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En realidad, hacerlo resultaría incluso menos popular que su Tratado de Lisboa, tan odiado.
In fact to do that would be even more unpopular than your hated Lisbon Treaty.
Lo que empezó con el coraje y el ansia de libertad de algunas personas llevó a la caída, piedra a piedra, del odiado muro.
What began with individual people's courage and longing for peace led to the odious Wall's being torn down stone by stone.
Animaría el sentimiento patriótico de los iraníes, que se unirían en apoyo del odiado régimen y de sus armas nucleares, si las hay.
That would encourage patriotic feeling on the part of the Iranians, and they would rally to the support of the hated regime and its nuclear weapons, if any.
Todos aquí somos representantes de pueblos que se han odiado, que han intentado destruirse, que, en algunos casos, lucharon durante siglos.
All of us here are the representatives of people who hated one another, who sought to destroy one another, and some who waged war on one another for centuries.
En su vida y en su muerte se cumplió la petición de Cristo en la oración sacerdotal: «Yo les he dado tu Palabra, y el mundo los ha odiado (...).
In their life and in their death, Christ’s request in the Priestly Prayer has been fulfilled: “I have given them your word; and the world has hated them . . .
Gracias a este movimiento político, que nace del sector más despreciado y odiado históricamente, del sector más discriminado, como son los pueblos indígenas originarios.
Thanks to this political movement, which has emerged from the historically most scorned and hated sector, the sector that has suffered most discrimination: the original indigenous people.