
"nuclear reaction" in Spanish

"nuclear reaction" in English

Context examples for "nuclear reaction" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
These reactors are powered by a fraction of the critical mass of fissile material, which means that the occurrence of a spontaneous nuclear chain reaction is impossible.
Estos reactores emplean una fracción de la masa crítica del material fisionable, por lo que es imposible que se produzca una reacción nuclear en cadena espontánea.
Or at least we are told, for example, that the initiation of a nuclear chain reaction as a result of faulty handling by an operator is practically impossible in Europe.
De todas formas, se nos dice que, por ejemplo, la posibilidad de que comience una reacción nuclear en cadena debido a una mala manipulación de un operador es prácticamente imposible en Europa.