
"no renovable" in English

"no renovable" in English
Por consiguiente, siendo una fuente no renovable no debe derrocharse.
Consequently, as it is a non-renewable source of energy, we should not waste it.
De todos es sabido que el suelo es nuestro principal recurso no renovable.
We have heard that soil is our most important non-renewable resource.
Se trata de un recurso energético a mitad de camino entre la energía renovable y no renovable.
It is an energy resource which is halfway between being renewable and non-renewable.

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Context examples for "no renovable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por consiguiente, siendo una fuente no renovable no debe derrocharse.
Consequently, as it is a non-renewable source of energy, we should not waste it.
De todos es sabido que el suelo es nuestro principal recurso no renovable.
We have heard that soil is our most important non-renewable resource.
Por ejemplo, la incineración de residuos no puede denominarse energía renovable así como así.
For example, waste incineration must not be called sustainable as a matter of course.
Se trata de un recurso energético a mitad de camino entre la energía renovable y no renovable.
It is an energy resource which is halfway between being renewable and non-renewable.
Es un hecho científico que la mayor parte de nuestra tecnología de energía renovable no funciona.
It is a scientific fact that most of our renewable energy technology does not work.
El petróleo es una fuente de energía costosa y no renovable, y su consumo no debería ser derrochador.
Oil is a costly, non-renewable energy source, which should not be used wastefully.
La bioenergía es una fuente renovable, pero no permanente.
At the same time, such a plan leads to high energy efficiency and clean combustion.
Su mandato tendrá una duración de ocho años y no será renovable.
Their term of office shall be eight years and shall not be renewable.
Hemos tomado la definición de turba del IPCC, que deja muy claro que la turba no es renovable.
We have taken up the IPCC definition of peat, which makes it very clear that peat is not a renewable.
Las fuentes de energía renovable no incluyen la incineración de la parte no biodegradable de los desechos.
Renewable energy sources exclude the incineration of the non-biodegradable part of waste.
La bioenergía es una fuente renovable, pero no permanente.
Bioenergy is a renewable, but not a permanent, energy source.
Considero que el agua es una energía renovable, cómo no.
I consider water to be a form of renewable energy, of course.
El suelo es un recurso natural finito y no renovable.
The soil is a finite and non-renewable natural resource.
Se trata de un recurso energético a mitad de camino entre la energía renovable y no renovable.
Not only is this energy source constantly renewing itself, but is actually increasing at a dramatic and alarming rate.
El plástico no es un recurso renovable y la turba tampoco.
Plastic is not a renewable resource, nor is peat.
La energía nuclear no es una energía renovable, por eso solicito que se aborde en un informe separado.
Nuclear energy is not a renewable energy, which is why I would ask for it to be dealt with in a separate report.
El primero es el de la turba, que es una energía importante: en mi opinión no es una energía renovable.
The first problem is that of peat, which is an important energy source: in my view, it is not a renewable energy.
Eso no es energía renovable en su gran mayoría.
In the majority of cases that is not renewable energy.
El tiempo es el único recurso no renovable.
Time is the only resource which is not renewable.
La Directiva excluye a la energía hidroeléctrica de la percepción de ayudas, lo cual no quiere decir que no sea renovable.
The Directive excludes hydroelectricity from the consideration of subsidies, which means that it is not sustainable.