
"non renewable" in Spanish

"non renewable" in English
Consequently, as it is a non-renewable source of energy, we should not waste it.
Por consiguiente, siendo una fuente no renovable no debe derrocharse.
We have heard that soil is our most important non-renewable resource.
De todos es sabido que el suelo es nuestro principal recurso no renovable.
It is an energy resource which is halfway between being renewable and non-renewable.
Se trata de un recurso energético a mitad de camino entre la energía renovable y no renovable.
We have heard that soil is our most important non-renewable resource.
De todos es sabido que el suelo es nuestro principal recurso no renovable.
As a non renewable resource, Cultural Heritage should be managed according to Quality principles, ensuring its preservation in the context of sustainable development".
Como recurso no renovable, el Patrimonio Cultural debería administrarse según principios de Calidad, garantizando su conservación en el contexto del desarrollo sostenible”.
Jacques Delors stated that, essentially, models of development must be achieved that are based on low consumption of non-renewable resources and that are reproducible in the long term.
Jacques Delors dijo que, esencialmente, se tenían que crear modelos del desarrollo basados en un bajo consumo de recursos no renovables y reproducibles a largo plazo.
Essentially, we must achieve development models which are based on low consumption of non-renewable resources and achieve a balance between economy, ecology and social development.
En lo esencial, hay que alcanzar modelos de desarrollo que se apoyen en un reducido consumo de recursos no renovables y establezcan un equilibrio entre economía, ecología y desarrollo social.

Context examples for "non renewable" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Consequently, as it is a non-renewable source of energy, we should not waste it.
Por consiguiente, siendo una fuente no renovable no debe derrocharse.
We have heard that soil is our most important non-renewable resource.
De todos es sabido que el suelo es nuestro principal recurso no renovable.
It is an energy resource which is halfway between being renewable and non-renewable.
Se trata de un recurso energético a mitad de camino entre la energía renovable y no renovable.
Oil is a costly, non-renewable energy source, which should not be used wastefully.
El petróleo es una fuente de energía costosa y no renovable, y su consumo no debería ser derrochador.
It is an energy resource which is halfway between being renewable and non-renewable.
La necesidad de un arbitraje independiente no puede excluir las orientaciones de la política ministerial.
We have built up most of it on non-renewable raw materials.
Hemos construido mayoritariamente con materiales no renovables.
For example, wood can be used instead of plastic, thus saving non-renewable raw materials.
Por ejemplo, la madera puede usarse como sustituta del plástico ahorrando, de esta forma, materias primas no renovables.
The soil is a finite and non-renewable natural resource.
El suelo es un recurso natural finito y no renovable.
Nuclear energy is a non-renewable source of energy.
La energía nuclear no es una fuente de energía renovable.
Our great error is that we utilize our research and development capability for non-renewable raw materials.
El gran error que cometemos es que dedicamos la investigación y desarrollo a las materias primas no regenerables.
Energy consumption is growing, as has been pointed out already, but non-renewable energy resources are not being renewed.
Como ya se ha apuntado aquí, está creciendo el consumo de energía a pesar de que no se renuevan los recursos energéticos.
We also need to do so, because it is a non-renewable source and we are completely dependent on imports of uranium.
También necesitamos hacerlo, porque es una fuente no renovable y somos completamente dependientes de las importaciones de uranio.
We must recognize that the end has come for non-renewable raw materials.
Tenemos que reconocer que el fin de los materiales no renovables ha llegado y los materiales renovables provienen ahora de la agricultura.
Nuclear power is a non-renewable energy source which should therefore be phased out of the energy system as soon as possible.
La energía nuclear es una fuente de energía no renovable que, por lo tanto, deberá desparecer a la mayor brevedad posible del sistema energético.
Meeting the need predominantly from non-renewable sources of energy is beginning to outweigh environmental acceptability.
Que satisfagamos esta necesidad principalmente con fuentes de energía no renovables está empezando a no ser aceptable desde el punto de vista ambiental.
Its main objective is to prevent the unnecessary squandering of renewable and non-renewable sources which is threatening the environmental balance.
Su finalidad principal es evitar el derroche innecesario de las fuentes renovables y no renovables que pone en peligro el equilibrio ambiental.
This is especially so in the area of indirect taxation, but also with regard to the taxation of non-renewable energy sources or, indeed, to tax definitions.
En particular en la esfera de la fiscalidad indirecta, pero también en materia de fiscalidad de las energías no renovables o de definiciones fiscales.
I know some in this House would not like to see it refined into a nuclear programme, but it could well serve as a very useful channel for non-nuclear conventional or renewable energies.
Pero no se trata de que la Unión Europea se limite a prestar ayuda humanitaria, debemos desempeñar un papel político más importante.
Yes, we should be encouraging the development of renewable non-food crops, though not tobacco, particularly on voluntary set-aside land.
Efectivamente, debemos alentar, con la excepción del tabaco, el desarrollo de cultivos no alimentarios de carácter renovable, especialmente en tierras retiradas con carácter voluntario.
During the past few years, it has become apparent that non-renewable sources of energy cannot alone meet our future needs in a satisfactory manner.
En estos últimos años, se ha puesto de manifiesto que los recursos de energía no renovable no podrán, por sí solos, suplir nuestras necesidades futuras de manera satisfactoria.