
"no inscrito" in English

"no inscrito" in English

Similar translations for "no inscrito" in English
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Context examples for "no inscrito" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(HU) Señor Presidente, pido disculpas por no haberme inscrito, no lo sabía.
(HU) Mr President, I apologise that I did not sign up, I did not know.
¿Se basa en una simpatía personal o una amistad con algún diputado no inscrito en concreto?
Is it based on a personal liking for or friendship with a particular non-attached Member?
Señor Romagnoli, usted no pertenece a ningún Grupo político, ya que es diputado no inscrito.
Mr Romagnoli, you do not belong to a political group; you are a non-attached Member.
(DE) Señora Presidenta, sí, prefiero "no inscrito".
(DE) Madam President, yes, I rather prefer 'non-attached'.
Siguiendo el discurso emocional del primer ponente, un diputado no inscrito, me limitaré a los hechos.
Following the emotional speech of the first speaker from the Non-Attached Members, I shall confine myself to the facts.
El señor Gollnisch es un diputado no inscrito.
Mr Gollnisch is a Member of the Non-Attached Group.
Ustedes dicen que el 11 % corresponde a irregularidades y el diputado no inscrito ha dicho que la cifra era de 4 000 millones de euros.
You say that 11% is irregular and the non-attached Member said that the figure was EUR 4 billion.
- Señor Kelly, aunque no se haya inscrito para hablar antes de la primera explicación de voto, puede hacerlo como excepción.
Mr Kelly, although you have not registered to speak before the first explanation of vote, you may do so by way of exception.
Por tanto, como no veo otra objeción que la suya, propongo continuar concediendo la palabra a un no inscrito, el señorVanhecke.
Therefore, as yours seems to be the only objection, I propose to continue by giving the floor to a non-attached Member, MrVanhecke.
Por tanto, como no veo otra objeción que la suya, propongo continuar concediendo la palabra a un no inscrito, el señor Vanhecke.
Therefore, as yours seems to be the only objection, I propose to continue by giving the floor to a non-attached Member, Mr Vanhecke.
Es verdad, yo soy diputado no inscrito por vocación, mientras que usted lo era únicamente por haber sido traicionado por sus amigos.
It is true, I am non-attached as a matter of principle, whereas you were only non-attached because you were betrayed by your friends.
En este sentido, debemos lamentar una vez más que la Unión Europea no haya inscrito en sus Tratados los derechos del niño.
And in this regard, we should once again deplore the fact that the European Union has not always included in its treaties the rights of children.
Yo no me expreso en calidad de diputado no inscrito, sino en calidad de miembro del Grupo técnico de Diputados Independientes.
I am not making my intervention as a Non-Attached Member. I am making the intervention as a Member of the Technical Group of Independent Members.
La Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores, Seguridad y Política de Defensa ha inscrito, no obstante, en el presupuesto, los puntos que consideramos esenciales.
The Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy has, nevertheless, identified its priorities for the budget.
¿Aún no se ha inscrito?
You are not registered?
Este principio no sólo debe quedar inscrito en el nuevo reglamento de nuestra Asamblea paritaria, sino que también se deberá aplicar en la practica.
This principle must not only be incorporated into the new rules of procedure of our Joint Assembly, but also put into practice.
Incluso hay un elevado número de niños que no puede ser inscrito en dichas instituciones educativas debido al insuficiente número de plazas.
There are even a large number of children who cannot be registered in such educational institutions due to an insufficient number of places.
Simplemente quisiera decirle, señor Presidente, sobre la observancia del Reglamento, que yo estaba presente el lunes a mediodía, pero no aparezco inscrito en el Acta.
You will recall that at the end of my allotted one minute of speaking time earlier today, I noticed you had the gavel poised at 59 seconds.
En Polonia, se pueden obtener células, tejidos y órganos de donantes fallecidos si esas personas no se han inscrito en el Registro Central de Objeciones.
In Poland, cells, tissues and organs can be taken from deceased donors if the person who has died had not registered with the Central Register of Objections.
Simplemente quisiera decirle, señor Presidente, sobre la observancia del Reglamento, que yo estaba presente el lunes a mediodía, pero no aparezco inscrito en el Acta.
I would simply like to say, Mr President, on a point of order, that I was present on Monday at midday, but that I was not listed in the Minutes.