
"no registrado" in English

"no registrado" in English
unregistered{adj.} (company, firearm, land)
unregistered{adj.} (childminder)

Similar translations for "no registrado" in English
no cruzadoadjective
Context examples for "no registrado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Debido a un problema con el dispositivo de votación, mi voto no se ha registrado.
As a result of a problem with the voting machine, my intended vote was not recorded.
Yo he intentado apretar el botón verde para votar« sí», pero no se ha registrado.
I tried to press the green button to vote 'Yes ' but it did not register.
Yo he intentado apretar el botón verde para votar «sí», pero no se ha registrado.
I tried to press the green button to vote 'Yes' but it did not register.
Por otra parte, no se han registrado efectos negativos en el sector vinícola de la UE.
Furthermore, no damaging effects on the EU wine industry have been recorded.
Sin embargo, esto no ha quedado registrado; quizás la máquina no funcionaba.
That has not, however, been recorded; perhaps the machine was not working.
No se han registrado quejas y no se han informado abusos a este respecto.
No complaints have been registered and no misuse has been reported on this.
En el Golfo de Adén no se han registrado ataques con éxito desde principios de mayo de 2009.
No successful attacks have occurred in the Gulf of Aden since early May 2009.
Existen varios documentos delicados que no se han registrado en las instituciones.
There are a number of sensitive documents which have not been registered with the institutions.
Sin embargo, esto no ha quedado registrado; quizás la máquina no funcionaba.
The Minutes of yesterday ’ s sitting have been distributed.
Han pasado dos años y no se ha registrado ningún avance a este respecto.
Two years have passed and no progress has been made.
Si el programa estaba abierto cuando instaló la fuente, es posible que el programa no la haya registrado.
If the program was open when you installed the font, the program might not register the font.
Sin embargo, es del dominio público que recientemente no se ha registrado avance alguno en las negociaciones.
It is public knowledge, however, that no progress has been made recently in the negotiations.
Díganme ustedes el nombre de una sola organización en la cual no se hayan registrado disensiones entre sus miembros.
Which organisation have you ever come across which has had no dissent from its members?
Es alarmante que desde entonces no se hayan registrado mejoras.
Alarmingly, no improvement has been noted since then.
Hasta el presente no se ha registrado en realidad ningún cambio ni mejora en ninguna de esas cuestiones.
All these issues have so far not really changed or improved.
Registré mi petición apretando un botón en la consola pero no quedó registrado en la lista de oradores.
I registered my request by pressing a button on the console but was not registered on the speakers list.
Desde entonces, sin embargo, no se ha registrado avance alguno.
Since then, however, there has been no progress.
en lo referente a las exportaciones, no se han registrado cambios
there has been no change regarding exports
Esta desigualdad persiste y no se ha registrado ninguna mejora de las circunstancias que nos condujeron a Fontainebleau.
That inequity continues and the circumstances of Fontainebleau have not changed for the better.
Desde entonces, no sólo no se ha registrado ninguna mejora, sino que las desproporciones han seguido incrementándose.
Not only has there been no improvement since then, if anything the disparity has become even greater.