
"no esencial" in English

"no esencial" in English
no esencial{adjective}
Después de todo, esto implica que ya consideramos la libertad como una característica no-esencial de la economía pero, a pesar de ello, una economía libre es la base para el éxito.
After all, this would imply that we already regard freedom as a non-essential feature of the economy, and yet a free economy is the foundation for success.

Similar translations for "no esencial" in English
Context examples for "no esencial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Albright ha ido para apoyar a Netanyahu, no para condenar lo esencial.
She has gone to give support to Netanyahu, not to condemn what needs to be condemned.
Albright ha ido para apoyar a Netanyahu, no para condenar lo esencial.
She has gone to give support to Netanyahu, not to condemn what needs to be condemned.
Un nuevo MTC es esencial, pero no debe ser una condición previa para pasar a la tercera fase.
A new ERM is essential but should not be a prerequisite to moving to stage 3.
Para nosotros es esencial que no haya poderes económicos ilimitados.
For us it is essential that there should not be unlimited economic powers.
No es absolutamente esencial que la UE proporcione apoyo financiero a las medidas de la AECT.
There is no compelling need for the EU to provide financial support for EGTC measures.
Sin embargo, desde nuestro punto de vista no es del todo esencial, es una lástima.
We do not, however, believe this to be a matter of essential importance, but a pity all the same.
No hay una ampliación esencial de las decisiones mayoritarias.
There has been no significant extension of majority decision-making in the Council.
La misma era extensa, pero intentaré no olvidar nada esencial.
It was to be quite long, but I shall endeavour not to omit anything crucial.
Es esencial no equiparar el Islam con los Taliban y otros fundamentalistas.
It is of vital importance that we do not equate Islam with the Taliban and other fundamentalists.
Comisaria; está muy bien todo lo que nos ha dicho; creo, sin embargo, que lo esencial no es eso.
What you have said is all well and good, but there is no substance to it.
No obstante, eso es esencial para que podamos actuar eficazmente e introducir cambios.
However, that is crucial if we are to be able to act effectively here and to bring about changes.
Creo que es esencial no quedarse anclados en una política determinada.
I think it is essential not to stay centred on one set policy only.
No obstante, una parte esencial este reglamento es la transparencia.
However, an essential component of this Regulation is transparency.
En lo esencial no añaden nada nuevo al debate desarrollado en la Comisión de Transporte.
They do not, in substance, add anything new with respect to the debate in the Transport Committee.
No obstante, resulta esencial en este sentido que la competencia justa prevalezca en el mercado.
However, it is essential in this matter that fair competition should prevail in the market.
El primer punto me parece esencial y no habría que transigir en la materia.
I do not think there can be any question of compromise on the first point, which I consider essential.
Nos concentramos únicamente en la ayuda humanitaria, lo que, claramente, es esencial, aunque no basta.
We concentrate only on humanitarian aid, which is obviously essential, but not enough.
El Tratado de Niza sigue siendo esencial y no puede dejarse de lado.
The Treaty of Nice is still crucial and cannot be sidestepped.
No obstante, es esencial que todas las fuerzas políticas entablen rápidamente negociaciones de paz.
Nonetheless it is essential that all political forces engage rapidly in peace negotiations.
Esto, por supuesto, es un punto sumamente esencial, que no es susceptible de ser modificado.
Needless to say, this is most definitely an essential point which should not be changed in any way.